Pictures Of You

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Jay x Nya


Jay held his body in a self hug as he sat in a corner with a picture. He didn't bother looking at it; he didn't have the strength to look up, or look down, in this case. Tears streamed down his face like miniature waterfalls, but he didn't bother wiping them away. His heart had a hole boring its way around the edges, getting closer to his core. At this moment, he felt like Bella when 'her vampire' left her, alone.

Jay straightened up and looked down at the photo. It was a picture of him and Nya at Lloyd's birthday party. The monstrous black hole in his heart attacked, sending tears into the front of his eyes. They splattered on the picture, and formed a zigzag.

A zigzag between him and Nya.

Jay covered his mouth, gulping down a pained scream. He let the tears flow down his cheeks, and he didn't try and stop them. He felt emotionally drained from the hole that was boring inside his heart.

"I love you," Jay hiccuped at the picture. He took it in his hands and brought it up to his face . Tears were beginning to race down his face

"I love you, but I never got the chance to tell you." He dropped the picture, and it thankfully didn't shatter. He leaned back against the wall and sobbed loudly. He didn't care if it startled anyone. He didn't care if they came racing in. He wanted Mother Nature to send some type of guilt to the villains.

The villains that killed his only love.



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