Two: Drama Queen

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"Honey. That was the taste of your lips, sweet and also soothes your soul. Just one kiss, makes me feel whole."


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I groaned inwardly, why has only ONE hour passed by?

It's only 1 pm and I was laying in my living room watching Stranger Things and drinking the whole bottle of orange juice. I didn't have to leave for class until 6 pm. I heard my phone go off 2 times signaling that I got a text message. My phone was upstairs in my room, do I really wanna get up and get it?

Oh well, I have nothing better to do.

I unlocked my phone and saw that the group chat texted me. It consisted of my best friends and their friends too, a whole whopping total of 6 people.

Can you imagine how many notifications I got in a day?

One time I got 300, no not 30. A WHOLE 300! I was in class for 2 hours and I came out to see my phone exploded with conversation.

Snapping out of my thoughts, looking back down onto my phone I scrolled through the group chat.

"Who is in class right now 👀? I'm getting out in half an hour guysss" That was my best friend Jane.

"I'm waiting for Grant to come out 🤬. He's taking forever, we'll go to your floor soon! But in the meantime I'm knocking out in the lounge lmao." That's Kareem.

I let a small laugh out, knowing more texts were about to come in.

"I'm literally eating a whole meal in class right now. The professor wants to glare at me. Does he not want me alive or what cause a man is starving 🙄🙄" That's Grant, the drama queen.

I typed out quickly laughing, he's such a baby.

"A girl is starving can we go get food or something because I miss you guys!"

"AWWWWW how sweet you miss me!" They all sent this message with their own variation. They always do this and tease me about it.

"Do you miss me too princess? 😏"

I rolled my eyes at that text, but blushing at the same time. Earlier when I was referring to "their friends", this guy was one of them.

That's Lance, I don't really know much about him but he goes to school with Kareem, Grant and Jane. I've only been around him a few times so I can't really call him my friend. He always flirts with me in the group chat which makes me wanna punch him in his teeth.

Cause he's so sweet sometimes.

"Not really 🤮, but I guess you guys are all coming. Should we go out to eat or do you guys want to come over?" I really hope they say come over cause I can't bother getting full blown ready to go out to eat and they're fairly close to my house. Their college is only 40 minutes by train to get to me, which isn't bad.

"Why would I ever pass on going to your house? 😇😂😂" Lance sent this text, using the 'echo' effect.

"Sure that sounds good! Will bring some drinks" Kareem says, like the only normal person in the chat.

"Yayyy I haven't seen you in 2 weeks!" Jane's text contained a bunch of heart eye gifs.

"Kk! Gonna raid your fridge and see what you have." I snorted at Grants text, such a pig.

"Well I'll go get some food and whip some things up." I quickly typed out a text, clicking send.

"Yay!!! Mom is feeding us! We'll be there as soon as we're done!" Grant texted.

I rolled my eyes some more, Grant always seemed to find my good stuff even though I hid it from him.

The guy eats like a pregnant pig but he's super built and slim at the same time?

Is that fair in any world?

I can't wait to see Jane, we used to hang out every single day in high school but now we're in college and she has been working as well.

I raised an eyebrow at myself, I guess Lance is really coming. I have no damn idea why this is making me kind of nervous, I mean he's cute or whatever but definitely not gonna pounce on a guy just cause he's cute.

He definitely seems like an asshole to me low key.

Pushing my thoughts aside, I opened my closet and I searched for my sweatsuits.

My Nike tech fleece never fails to keep me warm!

I grab it in all black, I have about 4 pairs of these because they're so cozy. I put on a simple white t-shirt under and zipped up my hoodie. Finally pulling on my sweatpants as well.

Nike should sponsor me.

These always made my butt look so accentuated.

I'm not conceited but I've worked out hard enough that I'm definitely proud of my body. Spraying my hair with my coconut milk & hibiscus spray, this stuff leaves my hair insanely soft and smells aaamazing! I brushed through it to get my tangles out and I pulled on my hood.

Walking downstairs I made sure I took my bag, wallet, keys and earphones. I grabbed my coat that was on the chair and I slid it over my shoulders.

This girl is not trying to get sick so I am definitely nice and toasty right now.

Pulling on my glossy black Nike Air Max's, I opened the door and closed it behind me. Making sure to lock it, I took a deep breath of air.

I loved the smell of fall, it smells so crisp and clean. I walked out of my porch and the wind nearly knocked the lights out of me.

The car was only a block away from the house because my brother and Dad parks in our driveway. I used the car keys to open the door, I climb in which takes me a good few seconds.

Why did I get a car that's tall as the Empire State Building? When I'm only 5'3? The world will never know.


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