Seven: Velvet

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"I was walking blindly until I bumped into you, then my world started to shine bright."


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It was already Thanksgiving break and everyone had a week and half off from school.

We were meeting up with Kareem, Grant, Jane, and Travis. Travis is our other friend, he's usually working all the time we don't get to hang out.

Lance isn't technically my boyfriend, we have been seeing each other everyday since he saw me at my house. We haven't gone past kissing at all as much as I would've liked, unfortunately.

Yes! Girls can want it more than guys okay.

Lance would shake his head every time telling me he wants to take it slow instead. No one knows that we're seeing each other either, I honestly want to tell Jane but we want to secure the relationship first. We're still getting to know each other so that makes sense.

In terms of getting to know each other, I feel like I've known him for a long time and it's so easy how we connect. I have heard many things about him, how he sleeps with girls, how he leaves them, cheats, does drugs, drinks a lot.

I haven't seen any of this with my own eyes so I'm not believing it.

Got to see the proof first, honey.

The Lance I see is gentle and annoying but sweet. I'm pretty sure everyone has a bad side, so I'm definitely not judging.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, he walks up behind me and kisses my neck lightly.

"What are you so deep in thought about?" I feel goosebumps rising just from one kiss. Who am I, and why can't I control my body.

"I'm thinking about what everyone says about you.. like how you play girls, do drugs, get into fights, get drunk.." I start playing with my fingers, which was a bad habit I do when I'm nervous.

I'm pretty sure he noticed my habit by now because he took my hands and lifted my chin up. His eyes seem to stare into my soul, prying for answers.

"What if I told you I was like that or is still like that?" His voice was slightly hitched, like he was scared of what I was going to say.

"Listen Lance." I start off saying firmly meeting his nervous eyes.

"I'm not one to judge but, the cheating and the drugs is definitely a no no to me. The drinking is okay because it goes to a certain level.. the fights I'll most definitely kick your ass if you get into one. The girl thing is definitely a deal breaker. I will not waste my time with a guy who's out here with 3 other girls having me look stupid." I say the last part in a huff because seriously if you don't want to be with said person, just leave!

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