Twelve: Trouble

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"Your words stung me when you told me you don't love me."

Jane's POV

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Jane's POV

I laughed while I felt the awkwardness in the air. We were at Maika's house now, I suggested that we should all watch a movie and hang out. I was sitting on the couch as I used the remote to search for something on Netflix. After 10 minutes of arguing what show is better, we finally agreed on Friends.

I mean come on, who doesn't love that show, it's hilarious.

Hearing Maika clear her throat, she excuses herself and says, "I'm going to get us some drinks and snacks. I'll be right back."

She starts to make her way for the kitchen as Jaden said, "I'll come help you love." I see her cheeks start to get pink as a smirk creeps onto my face.

I can see Lance visibly upset as Jaden has been flirting with Maika for the past 2 hours and she seems fine with it. He clenched his fists so tight as he turns his head to watch them walk away.

I shake my head, anyone can obviously tell Lance and Maika have something going on. Okay well not anyone, but I'm her best friend! For almost 10 years so I know her pretty damn good. I can feel the passion between them when I watch them talk as their eyes twinkle, staring at each other.

I'm curious as to why Maika would take interest in Lance because I knew she wasn't looking for anything, and he doesn't seem like he's her type.

I hear Maika giggle, Jaden has his arm wrapped around her shoulders. He unwrapped it quickly as he held some chips and Maika had some cups and juices.

Lance has a scowl on his face. He kept crossing and uncrossing his arms. I see him burning death stares into Jaden as Grant nudged me.

"They seem to be getting along so good! And he's funny!" I nodded, Maika shot me a look as I gave her a innocent face.

She rolled her eyes, she knew I was doing something and she knows I know that Lance and her have something going on.

She turns her head to Lance and she says something but Lance just ignores her.

Trouble in paradise.

Maika's POV

I frowned at Lance, why was he mad at me? I'm not even flirting back with him. Ever since brunch he has been in a bad mood and he looks like he could kill right now. Jane had the best idea that we should all hang out, Jaden has been flirting with me god knows how long.

Jaden spoke up enthusiastically, " So, Jane told me you're a psychology major! Me too! Isn't it so interesting?"

My face lit up, I don't really know a lot of people who genuinely think psychology is interesting.

"Finally! Someone who thinks the same as me!" I heard Lance snort behind me. Oh, he is so mad at me.

Grant spoke up with a smirk on his face as he said, "Maika can you go get the uno cards?" I love uno, this game seriously ruined friendships but it's funny watching me and others get riled up over it.

"Okay sure! I have the giant ones so it's even more fun!!" I nearly trip over myself forgetting that I drank during brunch.

I wasn't a lightweight but the drinks were made pretty strong. I still don't know why Lance is so mad, we could just spill it and tell everyone we're seeing one another if he cares so much about how Jaden thinks of me, walking upstairs I shook my head. I plop down on my bed for a few seconds, why are there so many stairs in this house?

I heard the door open and close as my jaw dropped, "Jaden? W-what are you doing?" I suddenly felt nervous because it was just us and Lance is downstairs.

I saw a lustful glint in his eyes as he came closer to my bed, "I'm just helping you. Plus I wanted to see your room." He looked all over my room as he spotted a pair of panties over the hamper. My face turned red as he chuckled, I quickly ran over there and covered it with a shirt.

Gasping loudly, he pulled me quickly into his chest and his arms were around my waist. This wouldn't look good if Lance came in right now.

I groaned in frustration as Jaden whispered, "You're really beautiful." My face reddened every second I was still in his grasp.

I looked up as he was grinning at me, his brown eyes filled with a mix of emotions.

"Umm.. t-thank you." I stuttered as I pulled away, I only want Lance.

Pulling out of his hold only for him to grab me and one of his hands cupped my face. My eyes widened knowing what was going to happen, "Jaden this isn't  a good idea."

He planted a kiss on my lips, these lips didn't make me feel fuzzy inside and they're not Lance's. I pull away abruptly as I grab the uno cards and ran downstairs.

I bumped into a chest as I instantly recognize the smell, I looked up and I saw Lance glaring at me. His eyes held an emotion I didn't recognize. His voice was cold and harsh.

"I'm going home, I have something to do." I tugged the hem of his shirt as he turned around, his eyes wouldn't meet mine.

My heart started to ache as he forcefully shook out of my hold. I watched him pull on his shoes and jacket as he opened my door and slammed it.

* * * *

Hours went by and we were playing uno but it didn't feel the same. I was still laughing but my mood had changed, Lance wasn't here. He was also mad. Jane was staring at me curiously as I just glared at her. After a few more games of uno everyone left, I was so glad Jaden left as well. He's sweet, funny and cute but he isn't Lance.

I went upstairs to my room as I laid down and pouted feeling my heart tug. I miss Lance, I would've thought today we could've hung out but things just took a turn for the worst.

Hi guys! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter it's more of a filler! Please vote or comment if you enjoyed 💙✨

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