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A/N: Dedicated to this awesome user for being the first to comment. Thanks a ton. And for everyone else who told me that this is good and to write more. It means a lot.

"Later, Nick! Thanks for the ride," I smiled at Nick. He offered me a ride home, so I accepted. I didn't want anyone to suspect anything, since I never had a boyfriend. He blushed, and I blew a kiss before he took off to make it more realistic.

 "Call me maybe," he smiled and drove off to his home.

I saw Elizabeth sitting on her porch. She looked so sweet and innocent just sitting there reading her book. The way her hair was in a fish tail braid, like the first time we met. I wish I could be next to her, twirling her hair and cuddling.

 I sighed. I knew that would never happen in a million years. I blew it, I could have been nice to her. But no. Sometimes, I wonder if it is better off this way. How would people react if, if Liza and I. . .did go steady. It would end up in disaster that's for sure. People are cruel.

 Just like with that new girl that came to our school last year. Her name was Cyndi-May. She took a gun, pointed it to her brain, and blew out her brains. That was the end of the mysterious Cyndi-May.

She wasn't even a lesbian. I just remembered her being teased and shoved around like she was a worthless piece of shit everyday. The cops asked if we could have any clues or ideas why she killed herself. I said 'no' but I understand now.

 I cleared my thoughts and reached for my house key in my pocket.

~ ~ ~

My fingers gracefully began to type an email to my friend, Julie. She wasn't like, Callie. She was understanding and nice. And she lived in Connecticut.

 What do you think about gays and lesbians, Jay, I typed.

I began to listen to log into my play-list as I waited for what seemed an eternity, for Julie to reply. Once she did, I felt like Callie when she ran to get these pair of heels before the lady next to her did. It didn't end too well.

 You serious? Okay, love is love no matter what, 'kay. Even though I'm the preacher's daughter and all that, I think people can love whoever. Why are you asking though? Are you coming out to me, was Julie's reply.

 I thought about my options. I could come clean to Julie and get it off my chest, but then I'd never be looked at the same again. Or I could continue holding this in and not telling anyone, and be this person I'm not.

  I'm waiting, she wrote.

Maybe this would be a good thing. Take this one step at a time. First I could tell Julie, then maybe my parents, and after. . .Callie. Even though she'd never go near me again. Why should I care about Cal though?

She's not even my real friend. In a way, she was a cover-up for me. Another disguise so I wouldn't be an odd crayon in the box. Apparently, I wasn't the odd one, just the rainbow colored one. After years and years of knowing, having sleepovers, gossiping, and laughing with her, were they all fake?

 Yes, Julie. I am a lesbian. And. . .I don't know what else to say really, I bit my lip as I typed.

This all sounded like some stupid joke.

Like the ones Callie and I would pull on Elizabeth and Flora. . . .

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