Hospital Stay

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A/N: This story is coming to an end soon. Just a heads up.

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I sighed as I stood in front of Elizabeth's hospital room.

My whole body was shaking and aching. My mind was fuzzy and I felt like I was going to throw up soon.

The whole world fell silent.

It was until a one, long, beep woke the world up. That's when my knees went weak and I couldn't stand.

"Hurry up! Come on!" nurses and doctors were screaming.

They all looked like bugs of some sort running along the tile floor. Their footsteps were loud and probably woke up the whole hospital.

"Excuse me, come on. You need to get out of the way," a doctor told me calmly.

I didn't fight back. I didn't scream. I didn't yell. I didn't cry. I didn't disagree.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked me away from Elizabeth's room.

Every step was like a knife to my heart. It hurt the more and more I walked away.

I looked back once.

I wondered if this was the last time that I would have to see room 413.

Maybe this whole thing was a sign for me to let her go.

Maybe I had to set my angel free and let her go home.

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Elizabeth's POV

The whole world was quiet, and only people's mouths were moving. No words were coming out and I couldn't make out what they all were saying.

I saw the attire on the people, they all wore scrubs and had gloves and masks on.

I walked closer to them all and looked at what they were doing. They were trying to help a patient.

My knees almost gave away when I saw the girl, she was me.

They shocked her...well me, and tried to bring her back, but it didn't work.

"You have to decide now," a little girl's voice said.

I quickly turned around. She held a doll and her dark brown hair was pulled back in two pig-tails.

"What, what are you talking about? Who are you?" I laughed, hysterically.

She shook her head and pointed at the heart monitor, "They're going to give up soon. You have to decide; stay or go."

"Stay alive? Or go? Where do I go?" I yelled.

"If you go, you find out. Hurry up and decide, you are wasting my time," she replied impatiently.

I sighed, "I-I don't know what to do though."

She pressed her lips together, "If you want to live, then stay. If you want to leave, then go."

If I stayed, maybe Anica could finally confess that she likes me...or I could do it.

If I would go...then I'm dead. No more life, no more anything.

"I'll stay," I nodded.

She mailed, "Finally. You wasted so much time. They almost gave up."

All the sounds came back and the world began to place itself back together.

The heart monitor started up again, it was beeping an a nice even pace.

"Should we tell that girl she's okay?" one of the nurses whispered to another.

"Probably. I think that was her girlfriend," she whispered back.

I just closed my eyes and tried to get comfortable.

It's really weird though when you came really close to dying and you had to make a decision whether you could live or die.

Plus having a little ghost girl pressure you.

Soon all the doctors and nurses left, one of the nurses pulled the blanket over and covered me up.

I waited until she left to open my eyes. My whole body was stiff and felt like it weighed a ton.

"Don't waste your time here," the girl's voiced reminded.

I looked over to my left and she was sitting on a chair. This time she had a barbie in her hand.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Your sister. I died when I was young. You weren't born yet," she replied calmly.

I shook my head, "What do you mean you're my sister?"

"Our daddy, you don't know him. When I was five, he picked me up from school, but he was drunk. We crashed and I died," she explained.

It was hard to take her serious, she looked so innocent. How could she be my older sister?"

"Mommy was pregnant with you then. She didn't want anything else to go wrong so she made our daddy go away," she finished up.

The door opened and my sister disappeared.

"Elizabeth," Anica smiled.

Her eyes were pink and her hair was sticking up in all sorts of directions. I smiled back at her, she still looked beautiful to me.

"Hi," I said quietly.

My tummy was going crazy with all the butterflies...or it could be from the pills I ate earlier.

She cautious walked over to my bed and sat down next to me. I wanted to tell her everything.

I want to tell her that I think I love her. I want to tell her about my near death experience. I want to tell her that she's perfect.

I didn't though.

Not because I didn't have any courage or didn't want to love her, but because she had already placed her hands around my face.

Her lips had finally collided with mine at last.

I Think I Love You {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now