The End.

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

"I'll always love you. No matter what," Anica whispered while she gently kissed my neck.

It was a nice way to be waken up.

"I love you," I mumbled, slowly starting to wake up.

She played with my hair and we just stayed there, feeling each other's presence. The feeling of both of bodies together was new to me.

Well to both of us.

"You're so cute while you're half awake and half asleep," she giggled.

I made a 'mmh' noise and snuggled closer to her.

There was a knock on the door and Anica jumped off of the bed and opened it.

"Is she awake now?" my mother asked.

"No," Anica replied. "She's still asleep."

"Oh, okay then," she replied in a monotoned voice.

I heard the door shut, and Anica climbed back into bed with me.

"We can't keep doing this," I finally said, opening my eyes.

She looked at me with curiosity, "Do what? Sleep in each other's beds?"

I laughed a little, but remembered what I supposed to be talking about, "The whole secret relationship."

"Well," she sighed.

I rubbed my eyes, "What do you mean 'well.' Well...what?"

"Honestly, I'm kinda scarred, Elizabeth. Scarred what people will say or how they'll react," she started to get teary eyed. "I'm scarred they'll see us as abominations or monsters."

I wrapped my arms around her, "We are not, and will never be,

monsters. Who cares if a girl loves a girl? It's still love."

She nodded and wiped her tears away, "I just want you to be happy. Also, I don't want people to see you as a monster; because you're perfect."

I stood up and walked towards the window, "I am far from perfect. I tried to kill myself, remember?"

"I want to forget, but yeah. I almost died along with you, but from the inside."

When I tried to kill myself, I never ever thought Anica would be so affected by it. Sure, I thought some people would be sad, maybe even feel guilty. . .but not feel like they died with me.

"I'm sorry," is all I managed to say.

"It's okay," she replied.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Three Days Later

"Look, didn't you hear what happened?"

"She's suicidal?"

"I think she tried to shot herself...."

"She actually 'did it' with Anica!"

I felt my cheeks burn as I slouched down into my chair. I hated school.

No, scratch that. I just hated how everyone was talking about me. In a bad way.

"Shh, everyone quiet. We're going to watch a movie on the human body," Mr. Monroe, the science teacher, hushed us.

He began to set up the computer and pull the screen down for the video. A boy turned off the lights.

Maybe people would focus on the human body rather than me.

I felt a tap on my back, I sighed and turned around, already knowing who it was.

"Stay away from her," she said.

"Why?" I whispered back.

"She's mine and I want her. If you touch her, I will, end you. Got that?"

I sighed, "Sure. Whatever you say, Jane."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

A/N: Weeeeee. Finally updated it. Happy Holidays to all of you lovely people. <3

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