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Dedicated to her because of a lovely comment that made my crappy week. Thank you for alll the votes and reads, everybody. I'm working on making the chapters at least two pages from now on. ^_^

What are you gonna do?

 Callie's text from earlier was still stuck in my head. I told her about how I might try to at least get Elizabeth to like me. As a person in general. I didn't reply because I myself had honestly no idea. Something cute and romantic might work, but then again I think she thinks that I still hate her.

The love song in the background didn't help too much. I hated being in love with somebody who didn't know you loved them. It was awful, it was idiotic, and it was all part of life and love.

 "Anica," my mother's voice said gently, she stood in the door way. "Can I talk to you, please?"

I bit my lip, "Listen, mom, I accept your apology and it's okay if you aren't use to the real me right away. I totally get it, if that's what you were gonna say."

 She nodded, "Yes that, and I wanted to tell you that you have a visitor!"

"What," my jaw dropped. "Who is it?"

"I never thought I'd see the day when you two become friends again," she smiled happily. "Elizabeth is here to see you! She's waiting down stairs."

 I pinched myself to make sure I was awake, and I was, "Wait, right now? She's down stairs, waiting for me right now? In our living room?"

 "Well yeah, she's not waiting outside in the dark," she laughed, as she walked out of sight.

Quickly, I ran to my closet and looked for something decent to wear. I slipped on a cute little dress, and brushed my teeth really quick before fixing my hair as I walked down the stairs. My hands were shaking and I felt like there was a million butterflies in my stomach.

 All my fears vanished as soon as I saw her. She was looking at some photos and my dad was telling her when they were taken. The way her curly, golden hair feel past her shoulders, and how her hands gently handled the pictures was as if I were in a movie. And I'm the character who got blown away by someone beautiful.

"Hey, Liza. Nice having you here," I said, breaking the silence.

She turned around and smiled, "Hey, Annie."

 "I'll let you two catch up," dad smiled.

I nodded but then focused back on Elizabeth, "Annie? Ha, that's something different. Nobody's ever called me that before."

She shrugged, "No one calls me 'Liza' but you."

 I could feel my cheeks turn bright red, and my mouth get suddenly dry. Gosh, I probably looked like such an idiot! But I just couldn't help myself. She was just so. . .so perfect.

"Well, it's for short and stuff. And your name is kinda a mouth full and. . .yeah," I babbled on. "Well, not that I don't like your name, because I do. I think it's beautiful, but, wait. What was I talking about again?"

 She laughed, "Anica, what have you been smoking?"

"Smoking?! I don't smoke, maybe it's just in the air or something. Today's just been a really good day or something I guess," I shrugged, mentally slapping myself.

Again she laughed, "I don't either, honey."

 Annnd, I just felt my heart go crazy.

"So. . ..why did you come over?" I wondered aloud.

 She shrugged and looked over at the pictures, "Just to come over I guess. See you and try to make peace, I guess. Or just because there's nothing better to do. Nah, I'm kidding, I'm not that mean and rude."

 "But I was," I said to myself.

"Yeah, you used to be," she agreed. "But now you changed. Changed to a completely different girl. And I don't quite understand it yet."

 I was off guard but then recovered, "Is it because I like girls?"

"Eh, that's nothing major. You just changed," she replied.

 "Why did you run away from me when I told you I was a lesbian then?" I asked, taking a seat on the couch.

She sat down right next to me, "Because. . .I couldn't believe it. You're like, perfect. Everyone looks up to you like you're a goddess. You run our school."

"Not anymore," I smiled. "Josie does."

 "Crazy, redhead, right? That one?" she asked.

"Yeah, but she would've told everyone about me 'coming out' though. And I didn't really care though anyways," I sighed. "I just don't want everybody to think I'm a monster or freak out or cause a riot or something. Or run away like you."

 Good going, Anica, I thought. I didn't mean for that last part to come out so harshly like it did.

"So," she frowned. "At least I'm here now. At least you have me and not you're little plastic buddy."

"Callie is real. She's actually smart and has a brain," I protested. "She's helping with my problems and she's my best friend!"

 She laughed and stood up, "Yeah, and when that day comes maybe I'll be madly in love with you or something."

I stood up furious, "Get out of my house."

 She sighed, "You're just mad. I have to finish my science homework anyways, doll face."

I followed her to the door, where we stood face to face. She still had that stupid grin on her face from 'victory.'

 "That day has come," I said, giving her a small kiss on the lips. "Now go do your science homework, honey."

And I slammed the door shut.

Before running up to my room to soak up what I had just done, besides probably having Liza probably never speak, come over, or look at me again.

I Think I Love You {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now