Sick and In Love

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"Mom, dad. I'm home!" I called as I walked through the front door.

I took my shoes off and walked up to my room. I let my backpack hit the floor and I jumped onto my bed and turned my iPod on. Today was. . .okay.

My heart yearned for Elizabeth though. I thought about how I had kissed her, and figured that was a stupid thing for me to do. Maybe she was confused of whether she liked it or not. Or if she liked me in general. I guess she could finally feel my pain.

 I heard a knock on the door.

And that freaked me out. It felt like I was nine again and I was scarred that the sales lady from down the block was trying to sell me blush and mascara.

I hit the pause button on the iPod and slowly made my way down the stairs like a well trained ninja. Maybe it was Elizabeth. . .or those little kids who sell chocolates and cookies. I looked through the peep-hole, but nobody was there.

 "Damn teenagers again," I laughed to myself.

"What are you talking about?"

 My mom stood behind me with a weird facial expression. I exhaled and recovered from the mini heart-attack that she just gave me.

"Where's dad? And I wasn't doing anything. . . ." I replied.

 She nodded like I actually made any sense, "He was knocking on the door because I locked it by accident. But he went through the garage door. That man is strange like you."

I laughed, "You're crazy though. At least I know where I get that from."

"That's nice," she replied, holding her hand over her heart. "So how was school for my favorite daughter ever?"

"I'm your only daughter. . .right?" I asked, just to make sure.

 My dad walked passed us into the kitchen, "You have seven other sisters that all live in Idaho, sweetie."

I laughed and looked at my mom who had the I'll-stab-you-with-a-fork-look, "My day was fine. I just, meet the new girl."

 "New girl," my mom sat down on the couch. "And what is your opinion of her?"

I sat on the chair that was in front of where she sat, "She's nice. And I like her, hair."

  "You like her hair? That's the most amazing story ever," she shook her head.

"Well what else do you want me to say, mom? That I am madly in love with her, though I don't even know what her favorite color is?" I quickly covered my hand over my mouth and ran up to my room.

How come I became so, so upset?

 Gosh, everything is terrible at the moment. The only good thing is that my door has a lock and Callie is still my friend. And I can pretty much talk to her about everything that I thought she would call me a weirdo for.

 I picked up my phone and stared at the contacts.

Who I ended up calling surprised me. Maybe I was strange like my mom had said. But, I wanted to hear her voice.


I took in a breathe of courage, "Liza, it's Anica. Don't hang up, please. I just wanted to talk to you."

She paused then replied, "Um, what do you want to talk about? And since when do you have my house number? Have you been stalking me?"

I blushed, "My mom gave it to me. Anyways though. . .I just, I don't know."

"Well, should I hang up?" she asked sharply.

"No! I-I guess, , ,I'll start with saying sorry," I bit my lip. "But I'm not sorry for kissing you. And it wasn't even a kiss-kiss, so you shouldn't get your panties in a bunch. Wait, no. I guess I am sorry because it, it just wasn't. . .a real kiss."

 She was quiet.

"Well. . .are you alive or what?" I laughed nervously.

"Yeah, yeah. I am," she replied. "I just. . .I'm thinking."

 "Thinking about what?" I replied, curious.

"I was just thinking. . .wait. No never mind, Anica. It's stupid and, I don't even know why I'm thinking about it," she quickly blurted out.

 I smiled though, "Come on. Please, you can tell me anything. And besides, I won't tell anybody. It's okay, Liz."

She got quiet again.

"Stop doing that, you're making me worry that someone's watching your every move or something creepy," I scolded, smiling just a tiny bit.

Her voice cracked, "I was thinking about how I might have liked it."

 Quietly, I just said 'yes' very loudly, fist pumped, danced, fan-girled, and smiled a complete idiot. All at one time.

"Anica!" my mom yelled from the other side of the door.

 "Is that your. . .mom?" Elizabeth hinted a tiny laugh.

"Yeah, hold on," I replied and held the phone away. "I'm on the phone! Give me like, two minutes of quiet, please!"

I heard my dad tell her something and then it got quiet again. I wondered what the heck was going on today.

 "Sorry about that," I sighed. "But, um, you were saying that. . .you liked the kiss?"

"Yeah, no. Wait, I said I was thinking about it," she said awkwardly. "Don't get. . .any ideas or something."

"Anica! Hurry up! It's urgent!" Callie's voice called as she banged on my door.

 Well who else is joining the party?

"I have to. . .go," I sighed. "I think it might be a life or death situation or something."

"Ooh, okay," she replied. "Bye."

Right before I hung up the phone, I heard Elizabeth say I think I love her.

 I opened the door for Callie and she came in. Along with Jane, looking more attractive than ever, in tow. Yup, the universe is just trying to make things even more jacked up. That's just so freaking fantastic. Thank you.

 I wonder how this visit is gonna go. . . .

"Hey, you guys," I put on a fake smile and tried to pretend that Elizabeth didn't say that she thinks she loves me, and that Jane, the other girl who I fell in love with at first sight, wasn't in my room.

And that Callie didn't bring her here.

I Think I Love You {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now