The Darkness

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"Anica, don't let me fall. Please," Elizabeth whispered into my ear, sending a chill down my body.

I turned to her and found her lips, kissing her gently, "Never."

"What about me?"

Jane came walking over, hips swinging side to side. She reminded me of a snake. A sneaky snake that slithered out of nowhere. Elizabeth pulled away from me and crossed her arms over her chest. Jane frowned and put her hands on her hips.

"I-I, didn't mean to hurt anyone," I pleaded, standing up.

They then began to fall into a deep, deep abyss. I ran over to them. They clung onto the edge. Hanging on for dear life. But they began to slip away. I couldn't choose. The pressure began to come in.

Pick one, I yelled at myself.

I reached for both of them.

But they both fell into the darkness and nothing, the only thing left was my screaming of their names.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

The world was falling.

Or so I thought, but then I realized it was just me hanging off the edge of the bed and I wasn't falling to my doom.

I'm positive that today was a Friday. So all I had to do was make it through today then I could sleep in and not have anymore drama.

I dragged my lazy butt out of bed and went to go pee.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Anica!" Callie came running over to me and she pulled me away from the crowd of people that were next to us.

"OH, what is it?" I asked, a little mad about her pretty much tackling me. And yelling my name out so the entire world could hear.

Today, I just wanted to cruise by and not have people around me. Even if it was Jane or Elizabeth. I just wasn't in the mood.

She panted and then began to try and talk, "Jane. It's Jane, she's telling everybody that you two are going out! She's telling people you already kissed and this and that! It's terrible!"

"Why would she do that?" I asked, though I knew I wouldn't get an answer.

Cal shrugged, "I don't know! But soon the whole school is gonna know. . . . And I know that you don't like that at all."

"Well, where is she now? Have you even seen here yet?" I replied impatiently.

"No," she replied. "I only heard because someone was already telling Elizabeth that. . . ."

My body grew stiff, Elizabeth couldn't know. It wouldn't do anybody any good and she'd probably think it's to make her jealous or something.

I didn't want to break her heart.

"Come on, we gotta go find them," I said.

She nodded, "Jane and who else? What are you talking about, you wanna find Elizabeth too?"

I nodded slowly thinking about what to say, "Well yeah. What if she tells more people. That wouldn't be good at all. . .and I wanna tell her the truth."

"Okay, I'll get Jane and you get Elizabeth. This should work," Callie gave a reassuring smile before walking in the opposite way as me.

People gave me awkward stares and other didn't look at me at all. I sighed and pretended that they weren't thinking about me.

"Where's your lesbian lover at, huh?"

I turned around to see an angry Nick. I haven't seen him in a while now.

"She's not my lesbian lover. . .or my anything," I replied.

"Well what's with everyone saying she is? And that you actually got in her panties? Is that nothing then, Anica?" he replied sharply.

I sighed, "There wasn't anything even between us, so calm down. I didn't get in her panties and she's just lying and going around to everyone saying I did."

He opened his mouth, but then shut it.

"And I have to go now, I need to sort all this stuff out if you don't mind. Bye, Nick. I think you're a nice boy," I smiled.

"Oh," he said silently to himself.

As I turned around, I saw a girl with sandy blond hair, and then felt the impact of her fist to my face. I fell backwards onto the cement and laid there for a little. Who the hell was this chick?

Why did she even punch me in the first place?

Slowly, I began to get up and I checked to make sure I wasn't bleeding. She looked like a stranger at first, but I looked closer. It was Flora.

Elizabeth's best friend.

Man, I haven't seen her in a long time. But she looked really pissed off. Like she could've done more to my face if she really wanted to.

"What the heck was that for, Flora! God, you crazy lady," I got up and rubbed my face once again. That girl could sure throw a punch, but why was it at me?

She shook her head, "Elizabeth wants to kill herself. And Jane told her she should do it. That why she can have you all to herself. That's what you did you freaking whore. She wants to go and fucking kill herself, and it's all because of you. I hope you're happy. You can have that Jane girl all to your pretty little self now."

I heard Elizabeth's soothing voice call my name twice. But it was frantic, like she was in trouble. I felt myself go back once more and passed out not too much long afterwards.

This time, it wasn't Elizabeth or Jane who was falling into the dark abyss, but me. The one who had brought this upon the three of us.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

A/N: Oh yeah. Finally uploaded. Ha, but as you can read. . .this chapter was very dramatic. And it had a cliff-hanger. The next upload will hopefully be during the week . . .or maybe even later on today if you guys are lucky. :3

Thanks for reading.

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