Aftermath of Lying

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Josie screamed, "What? What?! What!? No, that isn't possible at all! I know I am a very sexy girl, but no, no way in hello kitty is this happening, you freak! Just, go away before I sprinkle holy water on you or something."

 "I warned you, lovely. I told you so," I smiled. "Maybe sometimes, some secrets aren't meant to be told.  You should think about that next time you want to find out a dirty secret."

 "I-I think I'll be on my way," she said with disgust. "Just remember that I'm the new it girl here, Anica. Not you." 

  "Why, yes. I understand you loud and clear, babeWhy don't you call me later? That sounds really good to me," I replied.

She began to walk away, her fists in a ball at her sides. I pretend to look at her butt, just to make it a little more realistic. I looked over at Callie who had a sick expression on her face.

"What's wrong, honey?" I asked, mocking my mother's 'nice' voice.

 She pointed at the spot where we saw Josie, "Are you kidding me? Y-You actually like. . .that? Or, it was just a joke, right? This is all one silly prank, am I correct?"

 I nodded, "Of course it is, silly. I would never like her. And, well this isn't completely a joke. I do. . .like someone. Who happens to be a girl."

"Yes, I'm pretty sure that's what a lesbian is. But who?" she sighed.

 I bit my lip, "I don't wanna tell you. You'll hate me forever. Or you'll begin to freak the hell out, and have a panic attack or something. Then you'll have to go to the ER."

 "Come on, Anica. I'm your best friend. Just tell me please," she begged. "I won't freak out or do anything too dramatic."

"Fine," I sighed, looking around. "The girl next door."

 She gave me a funny look, then a flash of understanding. Hopefully, she wouldn't freak. But instead, she started to laugh. I guess this was the psycho side of Callie that I never knew or seen until now.

  "Really? You like her?" she laughed, hysterically.

"Yeah," I nodded, maybe this wasn't a good idea. "Is that a problem?"

She shook her head, "No! Not at all! I just can't believe you finally confessed. I mean, it was a little obvious, don't you think?"

 "Obvious," I gulped. "How?"

 She put her hands on my shoulder, "I can see it in your eyes. Whenever you would say that you 'hate' her, I really know you mean that you love her."


"Hey, Anica. How was school?" dad asked as I walked through the door.

 "Fine," I nodded, still walking up to my room.

Maybe today would be the day where I went to Elizabeth's house. And actually have a normal conversation like the one we had the other day. I think we would make a great couple--once I told her how I felt and if she felt the same. That was the part I was really nervous about.

 I put my stuff down and turned on the radio. Music always is calming to me. Especially in confusing times like these.

"Anica," my father's voice said lowly. "Can I come in?"

 He stood with half of him in the doorway, and the other half in the hallway. Along with a nervous look on his face.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Sure, dad."

"Well, I kinda wanted to talk," he admitted, taking a seat on my bed. "About you. . .and the, er, you know. Liking girls and stuff."

 I nodded. Honestly, this was just as bad as when he tried to give the 'birds and the bees' talk. I wondered why it was such a huge deal.

 "Listen, I know I said this before and you're mom isn't exactly. . .comfortable yet with, this new side of you, but she'll warm up to it. I just want you to know that I'll be here for you. You have nothing to hide from me," he went on.

 "Okay, dad. Thanks," I nodded, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you."

He smiled and got up, "You're welcome, and I love you too."

 As he walked out, I thought about my whole life. Maybe I should just come straight out and tell Elizabeth how I feel. And it wouldn't end up so bad as I think it would. I guess sometimes you have to do daring things even if you're scarred to.

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