Sentences You Said To Donald Pierce Or He Said To You ft. Logan And Laura

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A/N: I know you guys already know most of them but I always think of Donald when I read them!

Warnings: Language, Implied smut

Warnings: Language, Implied smut

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When you get into a fight:

"Go to hell" "Oh honey where do you think I came from" - when he gets overprotective.

"I take super hot showers to practice burning in hell" - to you

"Oh I'm sorry, did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginnig of yours?" - You to him

"If you are arguing with a women and she says 'Wow' RUN!" - Mohawk to Donald

"Don't stand too close to the heater babe, plastic melts" - to him

"I don't care what people say about me, at least mosquitoes find me attractive" - to you

"Well aren't you a ray of pitch black" - to him

"I'm not bossy, I have leadership skills" - to you, when you tell him he is too harsh with Mohawk and Bone Breaker.

"I'm sorry if I looked interested, I'm not!" - to him

"If you listen closely, you can hear me not caring!" - to him

"I don't like to think before I speak. I like to be just as suprised as everyone else about what comes out of my mouth" - to you

"I do a thing called what I want" - to you

"The question isn't who's going to let me, it's who is going to stop me?" - either way

"If you can't handle the sass, then you can't handle this ass" - to him

"Some things are better left unsaid, which I usually realise right after I say them" - Donald to Mohawk.

When he is trying to seduce you because he is horny:

"You're so hot even my pants are falling for you" - to you

"I don't have a dirty mind, it's a sexy imagination" - to you

"Patience: What I have when there are too many witnesses" - to himself

"There is always a wild side to an innocent face" - to you

"I have mixed drinks about feelings" - Him about you (not only when he is horny)

"I'm not that horny all the time, it's just that you're always fuckin' sexy" - to you

"You are my favourite dirty thought" - to you

"Good night and if you dream of me, remember I like it rough!" - to you

"Your ass is mine" - to you

"You are all I need to get my dirtiest fantasies in motion" - to you

"i know what I want and what i need. You. In my bed. Naked" - to you

"I want your body on top of mine" - to you

Logan and Laura to you about Pierce:

"I'm no cactus expert but I know a prick when I see one" - Logan to you

"Good morning world! Your little sarcastic ray of sunshine has arrived" - Logan to you, imitating Donald

"Do all things with kindness you fucker" - Logan to Donald

"No, I checked my receipt, I didn't buy any of your bullshit" - Logan to Donald

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