Horny Donald Pierce Would Include

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Warning: Implied smut, if not smut!

- He'd try and find ways to make you horny too.

- If you are with him, he'll tease you:

   - Ass touching.

   - Neck nipping.

   - He will grope your womanhood (yes, you read that correctly).

   - Nibbling in your ear.

- But you'll tease him right back:

   - Grazing his crotch with your hand or your butt.

   - Whispering stuff in his ear.

      - Even if it's not in a sensual way, he will get turned on.

- If you're not with him, he'll text you:

   - "Babe, I need you right now!"

   - "Too bad for you Don <3″

   - But it doesn't end there.

   - Once he's texted you, he knows he's in for a ride.

   - You'd send him nudes or videos.


   - He' d probably jerk off in his office.

- He always remembers when you two had sex.

- It helps him to visualise you having sex with him, what you sound like when you moan, scream his name. 

- It somehow brings back how you taste, he doesn't complain though.

- If he doesn't want to show he's horny, he'll only glance at you at least four times a minute and lick his lips.

- But he'd be very clear when he wants you. 

- He gets snappy, with everyone.

- He cannot think straight. 

- Usually when you leave him hanging for an entire day, even just an hour, expect having rough sex some time in the day

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