[Snippet] Donald with your kids

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On Tumblr by anon: "Ugh I have serious baby fever and need some help to get rid of it -but first Donnie with a baby fic ??" 

A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long!

Warning: Fluff?

He snuggled closer into her, nuzzling his face in her neck as he pulled her against his chest, arms resting around her waist.

"Mmh, you're so warm," (Y/N) mumbled, turning in his embrace to bury her face in his chest. A lazy smile appeared on his face as he kissed her forehead.

"Don't you mean hot?" He smirked. She sighed deeply, thankful that her face was hidden from the clear blush on her cheeks.

She slapped his chest, earning a small groan in surprise before he laughed.

"You're still so smug!" She grumbled, holding onto his top. He chuckled, caressing her hidden cheek before grasping it softly and pulling it up.

His beautiful blue eyes were so warm as they locked with hers.

"And you're still as cute," He sighed, a huge grin plastered on his face as she nuzzled his human hand and kissed his fingers.

"Come 'ere," He grumbled, pulling you up against his chest to kiss her lips sweetly.

Humming against his lips, she ran her fingers through his hair.

Until a cry interrupted their sweet moment.

Donald grumbled softly, pulling away.

"I went last time," The girl informed.

"Yeah," He breathed out, pecking her lips quickly before scootching her off from his chest and getting out of the bed, to the child's bedroom.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy," Another voice echoes through the house as small yet heavy footsteps grew louder.

"Yes darling?" She cooed as the little man ran into the room and jumped on the bed, hugging her tightly.

"What is it baby?" The girl frowned lightly as she ran a hand through his hair. His innocent blue eyes stared up at him.

"When-when Ava started crying, it woke me up and I saw a bad man in my closet!" The muffled voice stuttered in alarm. She didn't have to see the boy's face burying in her T-shirt – or Donald's T-shirt to know that he was very scared.

"Okay baby, will you come with me to have a look?" She cooed as Jonah pulled away, a small pout on his features as she cupped his cheek.

"Uh huh," He nodded. (Y/N) smiled, holding his hand as she walked through the hallway to his room. The night light was still on.

"What's going on here?" Donald's voice from behind them made them jump slightly.

"Jonah says a big bad man is in his room, we're going to check it out,"

"I'll come too," Donald stated, rocking the little baby in his arms as she fell asleep against his chest.

"You're a cute momma bear," The girl chuckled as she nudged him lightly. His eyes tore away from the baby to grin at her.

"Maybe," He winked at her as Jonah pulled her to his room.

"Look mommy, look!" The little boy pointed to his closet. Pierce had a huge grin from the cute interaction as his wife asked their son to stay by him as she walked to it, opening the door.

"See, there is nothing!" She reassured, walking into the cupboard and walking out. Jonah still held an uncertain look.

"Do you want to sleep with us little guy?" Donald whispered, realising Ava had fallen asleep in his embrace.

"Uh huh," He nodded eagerly.

"I'll get him to bed," (Y/N) informed, placing her hand on his head and kissing her husband's cheek as he walked back to his daughter's room. Jonah followed his mother eagerly, watching as she got into bed and petted the space beside her.

He grinned widely, awkwardly climbing onto the bed and collapsing on her. Soon, Donald followed, closing the bedroom door behind him and getting into bed, pulling the girl's waist into his chest before nuzzling her neck. His arm found his way around her waist and Jonah's, the little boy sandwiched between the couple.

After some agonizing shuffling, they found a comfortable position and slowly fell asleep to the sound of their soft snores.

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