Chapter 13: Love That Leads To Loss

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Hope you've had a good day! Enjoy :)

~Laurie 😋

Lily's POV:

I leaned on Liam as we watched the movie on TV. Honestly, I couldn't pay attention. I still couldn't believe Liam was dating me. "I'm sorry. What?" I asked after I realized he had said something. "Are you already packed?" He repeated. "Oh my gosh! I promised Katie I'd help her pack! I've got to go. I love you. See you tomorrow." I said really quickly. I run out of the room and go next door to my room. "I'm so sorry Katie. I got distracted." I spill out "Its ok. I already packed my bag. I also packed yours." She replied "I'm sorry." "Really. It's fine. You want to watch TV?" "Sure!" We turn the TV on and it is Psych. We both look at each other and scream excitedly. This is our show. We watch intently until the show is over. We turn off the TV and get into our beds. "You know. The interview today was really bad. Niall looked so sad when they asked about who had a girlfriend and I feel terrible and I don't know what to do." She said quietly. "I completely understand. You need to talk to him. If you don't you may loose him forever."

Niall's POV:

After the interview, Georgia and I hung out. It was cool getting to know her better. I know that it seems bad because I just broke up with Katie, but I think I really like Georgia. As we walked into the mall I turned to her and said "Would you mind joining me for dinner at Cheesecake Factory tonight?" "I would love to!" She responded quickly "Are you asking me on a date Niall?" "Would you agree?" I questioned back "Didn't I just do that?" "I guess so."

Georgia's POV:

Is Niall flirting with me? I play along until I know he is. I agreed to go to dinner with them. I act cool but on the inside I'm freaking out. Did this really just happen! We walk towards Cheesecake Factory and he gets a table for 2. He pulls out my chair for me and tells me to get whatever I want.

Mystery POV:

I watch as Niall pulls out the chair for his second girlfriend of the week. I got rid of the first one. Now I just need to get rid of number 2.

Georgia's POV:

I look around. I feel like someone is staring holes in my head but I see no one. "You ok Georgia?" Niall asks "Yeah" I reply. Niall looks down at his phone and I giggle as I see my phone buzz from a tweet.

Katie's POV:

I scroll through my twitter around 1 AM and stop when I see a tweet from Niall from a few hours ago: "On a lovely date with a lovely girl @georgia"

Tears prick at my eyes. How could he do this?! We only broke up yesterday. "Lily. You were right about losing him if I didn't talk to him soon" I whisper and then break down into tears.

Hope you like this chapter! Leave comments below and vote if you liked it! Love you all


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