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Dear Diary, before i begin my tale, let me introduce myself. My name is Mary Taylor. I am thirrteen years old. I live with my mother in a small house. My father passed away when i was just two. Whenever i ask my mother how he died, she always changes the topic. I really want to know how he died. I also have a grandmother. She is not much richer than us but she is better than my mother. My grandmother is fun, caring and kind while my mother always gets angry at me for no reason. She smokes and drinks a lot. I try telling her that it is bad for her health but she swats me away like a fly. I feel really bad but what can i do. Whom can i talk to? My mother refuses ne to stay with my grandmother because there is nobody to do the house chores at home. If i tell my grandmother, what will she do? That is why i am writing all of this and one day my story will spread and everybody will know what i went through.

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