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The contract.


"You're not actually in love with me, right?" I blurted out my thoughts, fiddling nervously with my fingers.

My eyes diverted to the shirtless man in the pool, who turned to gaze at me as well. The light that shone underneath the water transformed the pool into a glowing turquoise jewel, and swimming in it was the man of every girl's dreams, Mr Park Jimin.

If Leonardo Da Vinci were to paint a figure made of perfection, it would be him.

My train of thought was distracted as soon as Jimin approached me, who was sitting at the edge. He looked at me as if I asked a strange question, and he looked at me as if he wanted to devour me for dinner. I wasn't complaining, though, not everyday a hot man will stare at you like that.

"You shouldn't doubt my feelings, Yona."

He suddenly pulls me in, which I responded by grabbing on to him tightly in fear of sinking. A wry smirk made his way on his handsome face, his hands venturing from my back to my waist. I couldn't help but notice that he was an adult man, much different from my memories.

"I told you didn't I? I fell for you when we were classmates, and I still do."

Although I'm pretty well versed in dealing with jerks, I wasn't sure if I could call him one. His hands were all over me tonight, but it didn't seem uncomfortable at all. Yikes, I must've caught some of Anna's habits.

He brings me back to the edge of the pool again, and the both of us walked back to where the towels were. He wraps a big fluffy towel around me, not caring about the cold breeze blowing against his damp skin.

"About your question earlier...." he trails off, his eyes leaving the towel and right into mine. I shuddered a little, not from the cold, but from his darkened expression.

"I can prove to you here, just how much I'm in love with you."

Jimin closes in, inching towards to my trembling lips. At that moment, our faces were close enough that I could feel his warm breath against my skin. Warning signals instantly surged through my brain, and I pushed him away.

"N-no thanks. I had enough of love." I subconsciously stepped back, reminiscing the times with my ex who broke my heart badly. And it hasn't completely healed.

A knowing look flares up in his eyes, and warmth returned to his expression. I could tell from his movements that he felt apologetic for me. Even though he was the Park Jimin, the last thing I needed was pity.

"Where are you going?" Jimin grabbed my wrists, slightly shaken.

"Back. To my house."

Hearing my answer, he wraps his arms around me, alarmed about my decision. I pushed against his bare chest, but his grip was firm around me, refusing to let go.

CINDERELLA'S CONTRACT | pjm √Where stories live. Discover now