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❝  reddish blue. ❞


It's been two weeks. Two whole weeks.

Although I hate to admit it, wandering around aimlessly in the mansion was starting to take a toll on me - it was lonely, the night view alone made me think of Jimin. He's been so busy lately that I couldn't get a single glance of him.

Not to mention, I was homesick too. Being fed cocktails and fancy prawns begun to be a life I started to despise. Even with the luxury provided to me everyday, I missed my old rundown apartment.

As I pulled up my shirt, a low whistle causes me to freeze in position. I turned to the side, facing Jimin who was casually leaning against the doorframe with an increasingly smug smirk plastered on face. Shit. His very presence causes my kneecaps to weaken, and a flush of red spreads across my cheeks. "Why didn't you continue? I was enjoying the show." He teases me, biting down on his thick bottom lip.

" jerk." I threw a pillow at him, in which he reacted with a chuckle, causing my heart to skip a beat. I found myself forgiving him instantly when he picks up the pillow, hugging it intently with a sweet smile. "Why are you here?" I asked, and he stared at me with a half open gaze.

"I'm glad you asked, love." Jimin starts walking towards me, a step at a time. His hands travelled to his collar where he loosens a button, slowly unbuttoning till it reaches the middle of his chest. I could clearly see the ridges of his muscle - and my breath hitched. When I'm caught staring, the wry smirk makes its way back to his lips, and I found myself in a middle of a heated situation. "I need a favour from you..." he says sensually, fully aware of the sexual tension in the air.

Favour? I'm left dazed and confused, and before I knew it — on top of the bed. Jimin pulls on my arm roughly, falling back to the mattress so I'm straddling his waist. He then sits up, adjusting my hip onto his lap. "Is this comfortable for you?" he asks with a whisper, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. I nodded. Jimin's eyes were fixed onto mine for a few minutes, as if he's studying me closely. "Firstly, I need you to take off my shirt." he suddenly instructed, taking my hand and pressing it against his bare abdomen.

Stunned but more than willing, I held my breath and started work. I could feel his piercing stares as my hands unbuttoned his shirt... — focus, the voice repeats, but I occasionally stop to brush against his skin, feeling the warmth underneath my fingers. "Uhm, Mr Par-" he cuts me off and crashes his lips on mine impaitently, and a rush of ecstasy overcame my senses.

As we parted, a heavy exhale escapes from his reddened lips. "Yona, it's time for step two..." he glares intensely at me, running a hand through his silver hair. I watched as he points to the nape of his neck, directing another smirk at me. "Mark me here." he says. " that I'm yours."

"y-you mean.....a hickey?" I stared dumbly at him, and he nods. Jimin waits eagerly for me to carry out his request, his hand sliding around my waist so our bodies are pressed together. I didn't have a choice. It was rule three of the contract - to submit myself completely to him.

I started by pressing gentle kisses on his bare skin, before nibbling on it slightly. Jimin shifts under me, his breaths tickling the sides of my ear. "babygirl, we don't have much time..." he reminds me. I held onto his shoulders nervously, sucking on an area above his collarbone. Jimin's hand pushes against the back of my neck, clearly encouraging me to continue with the sinful deed.

When I'm finally done, a reddish blue mark was left on his once untouched skin. I noticed that his chest glistened with a thin layer of sweat from our makeout session. Oh god. I tried my best to hold back the screams in my throat.

"I have to go now...I'm sorry." Jimin caresses my cheek gently, looking at me with loving eyes. He hoisted me up, carrying me in his arms and placing me onto the bed. Unable to think of a reply, I just sat silently as he quickly pulled the shirt on, buttoning it with ease. "When are you coming back?" I blurted out, afraid that this would be the last I saw of him after a long time. He turns to face me, arranging the ends of his sleeves.

"I'm not sure, Yona. It may be long before I'm back..." the look in his eyes darkened with sadness and guilt.

"...since I'm going to a marriage interview."


A/N: what does Jimin intend to do? Find out in the next chapter !

CINDERELLA'S CONTRACT | pjm √Where stories live. Discover now