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lost time.


Jimin was in a trance.

He floats about wandering the white silence surrounding his very being, searching for something he couldn't find, something he had lost. It seems so clear to him now that he didn't have a grasp of it anymore. It was a calamity that had befallen him.

And as his thoughts finally begin to collect together, the empty space in his mind collapsed. Blood rushed through his body and his eyelids shot open, his deep exhales were dry and suffocating. It's weird, something is weird. No matter how much he tried, Jimin couldn't have a recollection of what happened yesterday, just total emptiness shrouding his memory.

It was then when Jimin recalls a name.

"Yona...." He calls, and the heavy feeling pressed down on his chest again. It was a sense of loss, and it somehow broke him. His body moved like it's aged for years, but he manages to muster enough energy to stand up.

When he explores the room he awoke in, the heaviness piles up. Something. I lost something so important, the voices in his head echoed repeatedly. His eyes examined the ivy and foliage that was overgrown on the walls of the mansion, the dried up pool with tower blocks in the near foreground of his once vast garden.

"21st December, 2027." He read the ink of the newspapers scattered on the floor, flashing news he's never seen before in large font.

And in the middle of the ivies stood an astoundingly beautiful middle aged woman. As she turns to lock eyes with him, a familiar look in her eyes brought back memories. Flashbacks in his mind played one at a time, the heaviness in his heart now too much to bear - he couldn't breathe. Then it all came to him at once, and his heart wept.

Time. He lost so much time.

He watches as the woman's lips curve into a smile of ecstasy, a look of genuine happiness and love. Jimin felt his pounding heart again, much like the midsummer evening years ago, when he first met her under the light of dusk. She makes her way through the ivies that had flourished all over the old rubble. At this point, tears already welled up in her swollen eyes. Yona interlocks her fingers with his, feeling the warmth of his hand that he hadn't had for ten years.

"Jimin," she smiles.

"You're finally awake."




Main Producer - jiminfication

Graphic Designs - jiminfication

Editor - jiminfication

Title Track - "Young And Beautiful" - Lana Del Ray

Book Reference - The Great Gatsby

Special Mentions - peachyu_


The story of Cinderella Contract refers back to the ideology of the green light in The Great Gatsby. Like Gatsby, Jimin wanted to pursue his ultimate dream— the perfect life in a perfect mansion, with his perfect lover. He was obsessed with the idea of Yona and Yona herself, loving her unconditionally, to the point that he made it his goal and ideology in pursuit for her love. He believes that he can repeat the past, and did the impossible. He believed in the green light. However, the moral of the story is— the past is the past, and you could never repeat it. It was the ruin of him. But of all things he lost he still managed to keep one thing— Yona's faith. Yona was faithful that he would still love her even when she's no longer young or beautiful. It was ultimately lost time, and true love.


CINDERELLA'S CONTRACT | pjm √Where stories live. Discover now