twenty five

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"Under the moonlight."


"I'm really fine." I assured as Jimin's eyes stared intently at my wounds.

It has been two days since that incident. We contacted the police, but so far we haven't found anything. It was frustrating, to say the least.

However, I couldn't let go of this unease in my heart. This dread lingered until now, and I couldn't explain what was it.

"Listen. Come to the kitchen with me." Jimin interlocks his hand into mine, holding it firmly as he guides me. I follow him obediently, into the grand kitchen that I haven't seen in a while.

When I see the knife , I'm reminded of the tools shop, and Taehyung himself.

Before leaving to go back to the mansion, I had explained to him my circumstances. He was kind to understand, and even wished me well- a gesture I didn't expect from him. As for mom, she understood that my heart was in this place, and bid farewell to me.

"It's not like we won't see each other again, right?" Her voice resonated in my mind, and a bad feeling begin to fill my senses again.

However, my trail of thoughts was soon interrupted when Jimin holds up a plate of what seems to

"I made this for you." He averts his eyes shyly to the side.

Jimin, a man of riches and fame, making an omelette rice for his girlfriend...? I was instantly touched. "Thank you so much....but what's this?" I pointed at the charcoal-like thing on the side of the plate.

"D-dont ask. I tried." He ruffled his hair embarrassingly.

My mouth automatically turns up into a smile. With a spoon in my hand, I take a big bite.


"It's....good..." I forced a smile, and Jimin 's eyes seem to light up at my statement. It was the first time I saw a puppy smile from him since forever, and my heart melted.

"I have one more thing to show you." He puts down the plate and grasps my hand.

The two of us walked silently side by side, hands interlocked with each other. He takes me to a room that seemed so familiar, yet not at the same time.

"Remember this ballroom? We first met here." He brings me in.

Instantly, I was awed by the grandness of the ballroom, and how the moonlight shone brilliantly inside the walls of painted angels and cupids. The beam was reflected by the gold pillars of the interior, making the room seem even more hauntingly beautiful. The floor was littered with hand painted imageries of Roman empires, and it spread out vastly far and beyond.

Suddenly, music started playing from the back of the red velvet curtains, and silhouettes of musicians playing instruments were shown beneath. Muted colours of blue, green and red illuminated the scene, causing my heart to run a thousand miles an hour. I was so awed by the sight, that my dread slowly faded away to the back of my mind.

"Care for a dance?" Jimin held out a hand, and I accepted.

Then there we were, dancing endlessly into the night, the sounds of a hauntingly beautiful music playing at the background, signifying our love. It was something gorgeous, something amazing, that it was like a fairy tale.

I step forward, and back again, in sync with the elegant, grand music. Those dancing classes paid off.

As I laid my head on his shoulder, a certain feeling of tragedy befalls upon me. Cold, befalling dread. This love was everything spectacular, however, like a blooming flower...It will wither, and the story of this tale will come to an end.

A/N: ending in two chapters 😔

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