twenty four

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The suspicious, silver-haired man inches closer, a wry smirk on his face. My legs begin to shake as he approaches me, and somehow— dread overcame my senses.

I start by running off and away from that creepy man, past various shops and dodged into an alley with dim lighting. The sun was beginning to set, and the place was remote. I was getting afraid.

But alas, my hiding didn't seem to deter him, as I hear his voice calling my name. Who was this reporter, and why is he trying to follow me?

At one point or another, I was holding in my breath. It was so silent that even the slightest sound will give me away.

"Where areeeee youuuu?"

My heart drops as soon as I hear his footsteps nearing my hiding spot. I take out my phone and messaged Jimin of my situation, only to realise that the light from the screen was visible at my spot. Quickly, I turned off my phone, but footsteps came closer and faster....and faster.....—

"Found you." his face popped into my vision.

I begin to scream as his hands latched onto my hair. He pulls me to the ground and lashes my body around, trying to find something, or somewhat I don't know of. Panic was evident in my system, and the sudden adrenaline rush caused me to bite his shoulder, before running for my life.

However, terror soon resumed as he grabbed my shirt, lashing me once again onto the ground. Blood begin to flow as cuts and bruises from the impact formed. I was terrified— so terrified.


I kick my legs around in a struggle as he pins me down, a frantic expression on his face. "I need big news.....big daughter!" He fumbles around my clothes. "my daughter will die if I don't pay for the surgery soon!"

When it seems like he couldn't find anything, he starts to hit me in desperation. I protect myself by crossing my arms in front of my body, tears welling up in my eyes. When I thought it was over, when I thought he'd stop hitting me, he does it again.

And then—

Nothing. I don't feel anymore pain. The body that was pinning me down was pinned down himself, by a figure I knew so well.

"Don't...." I manage a shaky voice as I tugged on his shirt, Jimin punching away at that man. "I'm okay now..."

It was the first time I saw such rage in Jimin's eyes, it was eyes of intent bloodlust. He wanted to kill him. Somehow, I shiver thinking of it. He lets go and the man runs off for his life, leaving his broken camera behind. Jimin then turns to me, pulling my body into his gentle arms.

"Everything's alright now..." He assures me, and I begin to bawl. I cried like I never did before, out of ease or fear, I didn't know.

But what I knew was, the dread in my heart.....


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