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rumours. ❞


"What's happening?" I could hear my heart thundering alongside my panicked voice. Jimin was obviously in a bad mood this morning — he's been biting on his bottom lip for minutes on end and occasionally exhaling deeply like he's being slapped in the face for every dollar he owned.

"Reporters. They've twisted all kinds of words about you, and it makes me sick." He replies, throwing the papers onto the desk before loosening his tie. Instead of being shocked by the rumours, I'm distracted by the way he looked when he's frustrated. It almost, in a way. Before I knew it, I was entering further into my world of fantasies until Jimin decides to take off his blazer, flinging it aside and then giving me a sweet smile. God, the duality of him kills me.

But of course, Mr Park doesn't allow me a second to recover before making a move again — he dumps his body onto the chair, gesturing me to sit on his lap. "Come here, baby." He pats on his thigh in an impaitent manner, leaning back to smirk at me. A flustered blush spreads itself over my cheeks again and so I averted my eyes, much to Jimin's delight.

"I don't know how to satisfy your I said before signing the contract. So save me from the trouble and let me cook or clean instead." I answered in an embarrassed voice, and Jimin's playful eyes begun to twinkle.

"Is that so? don't worry babygirl, I'll teach you everything." He assures me, then pulls my arm forward so I tumble over and crash into his chest. "...just like this" he shoots me a playful smirk.

God. There was it again, his famous teases that seem to send my heart into an overdrive. He made sure I was comfortable in his arms before reaching in for a drunkened kiss on my lips. And I had to admit — aside from his other talents, Mr Park is an unbelievably good kisser. It just added on to the reasons why it's so easy to fall into every little trap he set for me.

"mphmm" I begin squirming in his arms, gasping for the air that he stole from me. Jimin's parted lips curved into a slight smirk as he stared intently at every expression I made. It was glaringly obvious that his mood had improved from before because of my presence in his office.

"Uhm, Mr Park..." I buried my face into the nape of his neck to hide my rising blush. He seems to pause for a while before whispering into my ear. "What is it, Miss Yona?..." he replies back with a smirk wider than ever. "want more of me?"

Right at that moment, I felt dizzy. Not only was I sitting on top of Park Jimin's muscular thighs, I could faintly smell the scent of a man emitting from his bare neck, and his warm chest as it rose and fell underneath my hands. He embraced me like a desperate lover — I enjoyed it.

But that was the thing about Park Jimin himself. I know he's dangerously unhealthy for me, yet he's still too tempting to resist. He's seductive like a siren, that was what he was, and he does it so well.

Knock knock. The sound of the doorknob turning alarmed us, and we separated quickly when one of his attendants entered. "Sir, it's time for breakfast." he bowed to us, gesturing at the door. Jimin then runs a hand across his face frustratedly, and nodded.

"I wanted to hold you longer..." he confesses as soon as the attendant leaves, circling his thumb on my palm like a child. A flush of red spreads across his cheeks when he realizes what he's said. When I examined the look in Jimin's eyes, it conveyed just how helplessly in love he was.



As soon as he hears his name from my lips, his head jerked up to look at me. The two of us were alone in the elevator, after we had a luxurious breakfast at the dining hall. But all I could focus on now was his intense glare as he scrolled past the articles on his phone, and the way too many unbuttons on his button-down shirt.

"Are you angry about what they said about me?" I started by asking him cautiously, and he nods with a sigh.

"You don't have to worry about it, Yona." Jimin states with a comforting smile.

"Because I will protect what's mine."

Due to his words, my brain stops functioning all the way from the elevator and back to his room. Jimin carries me onto his bed, unbuckling his Rolex watch and throwing it aside.

"Come." he demands, opening his arms for me. I obediently followed, and he pulls me closer towards him, our faces merely inches apart.

As we laid in bed, I studied his lean body resting against the mattress, blankets sprawled messily around him. I studied his hair parted to the side, his sharp jawline evident against the collar of his shirt. And right there, a thought immediately flashes through my mind -

Even the heavens can't save me now...


A/N: yo this took me five hours to write and it's the worst chapter so far in the book, what is this logic

And the best chapters I have is usually written under like 2 seconds 🙃

And the best chapters I have is usually written under like 2 seconds 🙃

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