Chapter 20

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The class had finished and Yukara told me that he had to do something. I was walking towards the door but, before I could leave, someone called out to me.

"Y/n, come over here for a second." It was Kou. I turned around and saw him at the other end of the classroom. I walked up to him and saw a smile creep up on his face. "We haven't talked to each other in a while, huh?" He said to me.

I smiled back at him, "Yeah, we haven't had the chance to talk since what happened the other night," I explained to him. "Anyway, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked him.

When I asked that, his cheery smile dropped and his eyes narrowed. "Who is that Yukara guy. What is he to you?" Kou asked, sounding rushed for an answer. "Oh, Yukara is just a friend, I swear. He's really nice and funny. You two should-"

"Don't talk about him like that," Kou stated with slight agitation. "I don't trust him. He's a suspicious person." I was confused with what he was saying. "Why is he suspicious. You just need to get to know him." I said to him.

Kou slammed his fist onto the desk, startling me. "I said don't talk about him like that." He said once more, making me put my head down. I don't like making people mad, especially Kou. When he's mad, he can be dangerous to be around.

"I just don't want you to be in danger again." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Kou looked back up at me and a smirk appeared on his face. He then pinned me against the desk and licked his lips.

"K-Kou, what are you doing?" I asked him quietly as I saw his right eye glow red. I tried pushing him off but he just held my hands down on the desk as well. "What are you doing?" I yelled and continued to attempt to get him off of me. "I'm sorry, but we still need you." He responded to me.

A sudden pain in my neck stopped my struggling and yelling. Even though I didn't feel as much pain, it still hurt when Kou bit me. I could feel my eyes glow red with hunger as the scent of my own blood came through my nose.

That's when the thought struck me, 'I haven't had a blood tablet since the other night'. I gasped at the pain of my throat, begging me to get a drink.

I felt Kou's fangs leave my neck and his heaving breathing. "You know, a vampire's blood shouldn't be that appetizing, but yours is just too good to let go." He whispered in my ear. I would have drowned out what he was saying because of the hunger starting to take over, but he was close enough for me to hear, which snapped me out of my thoughts, but not entirely.

Kou moved his head away from mine, showing me his bloodstained mouth. I watched as my blood fell from his lip and onto his chin, dropping onto my cheek. That's when it happened, My eyes were a burning crimson and my hunger began to take over.

I had no more control of my body, my vision became blurred and I couldn't hear a thing.


I could hear murmuring. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Kou, Ruki, Yuma, and Azusa standing in front of me. I was laying on a bed in a seemingly familiar room. "What happened?" I groaned as I felt my head pound.

Kou and the others heard me. He walked up to me and sat next to me on the bed. He had a scratch on his face and looked tired.

"After I drank your blood earlier, you lashed out at me. You were a completely different person. You bit me in return and did this to me," He then rolled up his sleeve to show a burn mark on his arm.

"I didn't know that you could do that. I thought I would have had to hurt you, but you collapsed before I could try." Kou explained to my wide-eyed self.

"How could I have done that?" I said weakly to him. I am certain that I didn't do this to him, I couldn't have.

My thoughts were interrupted by Ruki coughing, directing my attention to him. "Anyways, do you remember where you are?" He asked me. I looked around the small room, it was a dark room with a small window.

I tried to remember where this place was, and then I did. This is where I was when I ran away from the Sakamaki's. "Yeah, I do. But I can't remember what I did when I came here before." I said to him.

I could only remember small bits of memory that lead to nothing. "Why am I here again?" I  looked at Ruki again.

"I'll explain that." I recognized that voice.


A/n: I have no idea how to finish this story. Can one of you guys help me out with a way of ending it? Thank you.

Sakamaki or Kuran? {Diabolik lovers x vampire knight cross over}Where stories live. Discover now