Chapter Nineteen: Time For Change (Part One)

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Right, since everyone knows you're a girl, I'll be putting (Name) from now on, unless its for special characters like Hibiki, Ren and Eve who don't know yet, (And won't for a few more chapters for special top secret reasons, so please don't ask for then to find out.) For them I will still put (M/Name).

Also while I remember. Thank you to all those who voted for my story in the Fairy Tail Watty's in Round One (Next time I update I will mention all those who had) The Fairy Tail Wattys have posted the second round. So I was hoping you guys would go and vote ^-^, I'll put the link in the comments for those who wish to vote, thank you!!

~The Idiot Ninja

"(Name)! There you are! We've been worried sick!" Lucy scolded as she practically busted down the door to the bathroom, where you were currently hiding.

You looked up to her, with your red puffed up eyes and a frown upon your face. She knelt down to your height, pulling you into a hug. Your head rested on her shoulder as hers did on yours. Your arms wrapped around her like hers did to you.

"It's going to be okay (Name)." She cooed in your ear, rubbing your back with her hand.

You pulled away from her when you felt the soft fur of Lily brushing against your knee. You pulled her onto your lap, hugging her in your arms, stroking her fur gently. She looked calm and at peace as she hugged into you for warmth.

"You can't stay here for the rest of your life." Lucy told you, helping you up on your feet without disturbing the Exceed.

You sighed, making your way to the sofa, slowly lowering yourself onto it. Lucy began to look through a newspaper she had recently bought.

"Look (Name), its a full moon tonight." She sang, "I bet its going to be beautiful."

Only use that spell on the next full moon, it is the only time it will work.

You suddenly remembered. It was time....time to become your old self again.

~Time Skip To Later That Day

"They're so pretty." Carla muttered as she looked over your shoulder.

You were sat down on Lucy's sofa, fondling two crystal flowers in your left hand, gently so they wouldn't break. Carla and Happy had paid Lily a visit but ended up balancing on the back of the seat to get a better look at what was in your hand.

"Yup, they are." You mumbled, caught in a daze.

Lily dived onto your lap, poking at them mesmerized by the way they sparkled in the dim light. 

Just after Lucy had told you there was a full moon that night, you sent her to Makarov, to ask him to meet you on the river bank. Thankfully, he did, and he seemed to know exactly why. You'd explained to him that that night you were going to cast the spells.  After you had done so, he handed you a box. Inside, there were the crystal flowers and a few sheets of paper.

Now you were back, mentally preparing yourself for the next few days. Things were gonna change, and for the better.

"Promise me something." You said, aiming it at Carla and Happy.

"Promise you what (Name)?" Carla asked you.

"If I ever need to leave, I want you guys to stay with Lily, look after her, until I get back. 'Kay?" You mumbled, tickling Lily slightly with your spare hand, diverting her attention from you words.

"Of coarse (Name)." Happy sang.

A sweet smile rose on your face as you chimed a angelic "Thank you."

The three Exceeds left your side, going over to the window near the bed, looking up into the clear night sky, peering at the pale full moon.

"We best be going, Wendy and Nastu will be wondering where we are. See you later Lily, you too (Name)." Carla called to you, flying over to the door with Happy by her side, waving goodbye.

You returned a wave, smiling at them as they left. Quickly picking up the box Makarov had given you earlier that day, shoving the crystal flowers inside and placed it on Lucy's desk. Lily watched your movement, curious on what you were doing.

"Lil, stand on here please." You asked her, pulling the desk chair out, patting on the seat.

She did as you asked, quickly skipping over and climbing onto the chair.

"What are you doing (Nickname)?" Lily questioned, standing on her still on the chair, watching you as you opened up the box again.

You didn't answer her, you were too lost in your thoughts, thinking about what it was going to be like after you got this over and done with. It was wonderful, no one worried about you, no one messed with you, wonderful.

"(Nickname)? (NICKNAME)" Lily shouted, getting your attention.

"Wha? Um yep?" You replied.

"What are you doing?" She asked you again.

"Oh, I'm just casting a few spells, nothing to worry about." You chirped, smiling brightly.

The Exceed nodded, trusting your word continuing to watch what you ere doing. Picking up the sheets of paper from the box, you read through them, memorizing the imprinted words which lay on them.

"Right.... Lily, you stay exactly where you are. I'll just be here casting this spell. 'Kay?" You told the Exceed who nodded in response as you moved to the other side of the room.

After inhaling and exhaling a few times, you nodded to yourself, hoping that this would work as you wanted it to.

Your hands were held together over your chest, your mind concentrating on the words of the spell which needed to be spoken for it to work. Underneath you, your magic circle appeared. In its blue centre there was a dragons head while around it there were written words in dragon tongue, words which you were about to say. You began to mutter the words in the language of the dragons. You hadn't a clue what the word meant, just that they were of the dragons lingo. As you were speaking the words, your circle shone up a bright light, engulfing you inside. Lily had to cover her eyes due to it being too bright for her. Once the words you spoke were done, thin slivers of water shot up, slashing around wildly, attacking your skin. As you checked your arms where they had attacked, your skin was clear of any evidence. After a minute of so, the light died down, leaving you stood with a glowing blue layer over your body. You heard the cat gasp in amazement. Even you had to admit, it was pretty. Once a few seconds passed, you suddenly received an excruciating pain jolting through your body.

"Damn it!" You let out with a coarse voice.

"(Nickname) are you okay? Please talk to me? (Nickname)!!!" Lily screamed at you, running to your side, shaking you madly.

You couldn't reply to her, it hurt just breathing let alone speaking. Feel faint, your eyes slowly began to close.

"Please don't leave me (Nickname) I need you." Lily cried. "I love you (Nickname) don't go."

They were the last word you heard before losing consciousness...

So, its not a long chapter but I thought I'd leave you on a little cliff hanger. HONESTLY, EVEN I DON'T KNOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN, ITS KILLING ME xD

Anywho, thanks for reading ^-^ I posted a new story yesterday called 'It's A Small World' Its a FF/KH reader insert so for those who are interested, why not have a read xD

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