First Vlog (pt. 1)

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(Before he moved to his house)

I was sitting on a Lovesac, while on my phone.

"Hey Logan," I called.

"Yeah, babe," he yelled back from the bathroom.

"Come," I replied. I didn't have to wait to long till jumped onto the Lovesac next to me.

"I've been thinking...," I started before being cut-off.

"That's never any good," Logan joked.

"Logan! Come on, this is serious!" I whined. His mood immediately changed.

"Did I do something?" He asked confused and maybe slightly scared.

"No! Of course not! Why would you think that?" He just shrugged and played it cool. Smooth Logan, Smooth. "Anyway," I continued, "I was thinking of starting a YouTube channel." I looked over to see his reaction. He looked shocked and happy.

"That's great, we can be the new #VlogCouple!!" He got up and started running around the apartment. He ran into the kitchen area.

"Oh no," I mumbled under my breath and braced for impact





The plate hit the floor with a resounding crack.

"Seriously Logan?!! You didn't even get that one on camera! What was the point?"

"Hey I can smash my plates if I want to," he responded with a small laugh.

"Whatever... take me to the camera store!! I need stuff to vlog with!"

Let's gooo!"

-------------Time Skip-------------
(At the camera shop)

"What should I get, Logan?" I asked to the one why who was currently obsessing over new GoPro accessories.

"What?" He asked, still not completely paying attention.

"Ugghh! Logan help me find a vlog camer!" I almost yelled at him. His head shot over to me and he carefully approached me as if I was a wild animal.

"Geez, Y/N. Calm down," he said, much more calmly than I did.

"Then help me!" I retorted.

We continued to look for cameras, camera accessories, and many other things. We took it all up to the front counter.

"That'll be $1275.64," the cashier guy said, looking as bored  as ever. Logan pulled out his credit card and swiped it without a second thought.

"I can't wait for you to start vlogging!" Logan yelled once we exited the store, on to the streets of L.A.

"Me too!" I yelled with equal excitement. We walked the rest of the way home and discussed what we were going to do tomorrow.

Logan Paul ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now