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For itzme_blissy! Hope you like it! Sorry it took so long...

Bliss's POV

I was sitting on the couch, just minding my own business, scrolling through Instagram, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Ughh!" I exclaimed, figuring Logan just forgot his key, because we weren't planning on anyone coming over. I mean, he's forgotten he key before so it isn't that much of a stretch. What I wasn't expecting was a different blond with a vlog camera to show up. Jake.

"Sup Bliss! Is Logan home?" He asked, while looking over my head for any sign of my blond choch of a boyfriend.

"Nope. He had a meeting today and he said he wouldn't be back till later."

"Ok," he said with a mischievous smirk on his face. "It's clear guys!" He yelled suddenly, Chance and Anthony ran out from behind the corner and jumped me.

Anthony threw me over his shoulder as they all ran out to Jake's truck. I was thrown in the back seat, beside Anthony, as Chance got in the passenger's seat and Jake drove.

I didn't really care. This was obviously a prank on Logan for Jake's vlog and we were going to the Team 10 house. I mean, it wasn't that bad and Logan would come get me soon.

Logan's POV

When I got home, I walked in my house, yelling for my girlfriend, Bliss.

"Bliss? Where are you?" I called. I walked to the couch, where she usually was when I came home, assuming she would be there sleeping. Instead I found a note.

It read:

To Logan,
     If you want to see your girlfriend  again, you will have to bring, and burn some of your merch.

I could tell by the sloppy handwriting, and the J at the end, who this note belonged to. Jake. I quickly grabbed some merch. It's not like I was actually gonna burn it, I just needed it to get to Bliss.

I got in the Yeti and started off on the journey to save my girlfriend.

Time Skip to The Team 10 House

When I pulled up to the Team 10 House, a few of them were standing outside, keeping guard I guess.

I parked the Yeti and got out, walking straight past the 'guards' and into the house where I knew Jake was. I opened the door.

"Brother Jake," I yelled, pretending to not be angry. No response. "Jake, can I have my girlfriend back now?" I yelled again, starting to get annoyed. This time, though, I heard a small squeak, coming from Jake's room.

I walked up the stairs silently, moving towards Jake's room.

Jake's POV

I took Bliss up to my room, where I hid with her in the closet. We sat there for a while, waiting for something to happen. Nothing.

I sighed, figuring it would be a while before Logan showed up. I still had my camera so I figured I could get some #content out of this.

I turned the camera on and towards Bliss.

"So, now that I have you here... What are your intentions with Logan? Are you just using him for followers? Have you guys done anything yet?"

Bliss's POV

I sighed when I heard that.

"Why is everyone always up in mine and Logan's personal business?" I retorted, trying to avoid the questions.

"Just answer the questions," he paused, a devilish smirk making its way onto his face. "Or else."

"Or else what?" I challenged. Suddenly I felt two hands on my sides. I let out a small squeak just as I heard the front door open and Logan yell.

"Brother Jake?!" Jake stopped tickling me and put a hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. "Jake, can I have my girlfriend back now?" He didn't sound angry, just annoyed.

After the yelling was silence. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Gen the door knob turned. Jake tensed up, preparing for the worst I guess. He had already closed the door to the closet so Logan wouldn't be able to see in right when he walked in. He wasn't that stupid.

I noticed Jake still had his camera out and pointed towards the door, the microphone probably not picking up the full footfalls being left behind by Logan as he silently searched the room.

A few minutes had passed and suddenly there was no movement. The door knob turned, the door creaked open and there stood a quite angry looking Logan.

"Jake," he acknowledged, a Maverick hoodie sling over his shoulder. E walked closer to us and pulled me out of Jake's arms, placed me behind him, and handed me the merch.

He turned back around and looked at Jake, who was still on the closet floor. That didn't stop Logan from tackling Jake and wrestling him. I let it happen because 1) I didn't want to get hurt in the process and 2) Logan was gonna ein soon anyway.

As I predicted Logan won and we went home. As we were driving I looked over at him to see sweat dripping down his face and a small bruise on his cheekbone. Honestly it was kinda hot, but that's a story for another day.

So I didn't know where I was going with that but thanks to itzme_blissy for the request.

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