First Vlog (pt. 3)

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Part 3 as requested by _angiepaul_.


Logan stopped recording.

"I am so proud of you, babe."

"Thanks Logan. It means a lot." He hugged me as we got ready for the rest of our day, which included his vlog.

We were walking on the streets of L.A. making our blogs for the day, while holding hands. Of course, we weren't filming at the same time. At the moment, Logan was filming.

"Alright, Logang!" He yelled with the same amount of enthusiasm as a bus full of elementary students going on a field trip. "Today we are going to Brother Jake's house. And don't tell anyone... but... we're pranking him." He whispered the last part.

I gave him a questioning look, considering that I didn't know about this. I personally think that they prank each other too much and that one of them is going to take it to far.

"Mhmm," I said, not approving this completely while looking at the camera held in Logan's other hand.

Logan looked over at me questioningly. I looked up at him and shrugged, signaling for him to continue. Instead, he turned off his vlog and turned into the Starbucks beside us.

We waited in line quietly, waiting until we wee seated to have a conversation.

"I know you don't like when me and Jakey prank each other, but can you please help me with this one?" He pleaded.

I sighed, giving in. "What's the prank?"

"That's where you come in," I had a feeling I knew where this was going.
"I need you to distract  Jake and the rest of Team 10 while I fill his truck with legos." Then again, maybe I didn't.

"Why, though?" I asked, confused of the purpose of this prank.

"Cuz it's fun," he stated, dead serious.

"Fine." I said, giving in.

"Okay, so here's the plan..."

I knocked on the door to the Team Ten House. (The old one btw)

Chance opened the door. "Hey Y/N, what brings you here?" He asked, looking around suspiciously for Logan's car.

"I just thought I would come and collaborate with some of you guys, you know. For click bait." I lied, trying to come up with an excuse on the spot.

"Oh yeah! I forgot you started a blog channel. How's that going for you?" He asked, while also stepping inside, allowing me into their house. This was too easy.

"Pretty good. Logan helps me with a lot of it."

"Good," he said before yelling for Jake. "Jake! Y/N came over to shoot some stuff!"

"Okay. Tell her to come up here first!" Jake yelled from his room.

I nodded when Chance looked over at me and walked up the stairs to hakes room.

I knocked on Jakes open door as I walked into his room. I sat me camera down on his dresser, recording, as I talked to Jake. Nobody suspected Logan outside. I couldn't wait to see how this played out.

I'm going to make a part 4 for this and I know that it might seem confusing now but it will play out at the end of part 4.

Thanks for reading!

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