Illness (the sequel to sickness(kinda))

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In which Logan gets sick and you have to take care of him. (Before his house)


I was walking down the hallway of Logan's apartment building, when i got a text from Logan.

Don't come over

Why im already outside your apartment

But im sick

Let me in






The door opened not long after our conversation ended.

"You know you're gonna get sick, right?" Logan stated, looking me dead in the eyes before allowing me to enter his apartment.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, knowing this spiel from previous conversations I've had with sick family members and such. "So what do you want to do?"

"Vlog!" He exclaimed, running to his room, I guessed, to grab his camera.

From where I stood in the entrance of his apartment I heard the familiar intro:

"Ayyoo! Good Morning Logang! What's Popp- *cough* *cough* -in?! Sorry if the vlog is a little low energy today. I'm sick!!"

I sighed, an small smile making its way onto my face. I walked toward his room where Logan was currently talking to Maverick.

"Aye! I'm not anyone's bitch!" Logan screamed at his poor bird, before realizing I was in his room. He looked up.

"Oh! Look who's here," he said, turning his camera towards the door, where I was leaning against the wall.

I just smiled at the camera and waved.

"Come take care of me!! I'm sick!!" Logan yelled, the camera once again facing himself before turning back to me to get my answer.

"Last time I checked, you didn't want me coming over when you were sick." I told the camera and Logan with a small smirk on my face. I was proud of myself for coming up with a good-ish comeback for once in my life.

Logan then turned off his vlog camera, giving me his full attention. He sat the the camera on the nightstand and sniffed once before flopping down onto his bed. He turned to face me before putting his arms in the air.

"Cuddle," He commanded. I rolled my eyes while walking over to him.

As soon as I laid down, he had picked up his camera again, showing us laying on the bed cuddling.

"I got her to help me!!" He said to the camera, his voice starting to strain from the yelling and being sick.

"Logan, calm down you are honing to loose your voice if you don't," I warned him, ignoring the camera that was dangerously close to my face.

"No," he replied. He was testing me. I wasn't up for it. I noticed he had loosened his grip on me to switch which hand was holding his camera. I took advantage of that and slid off the bed.

"Wait!" Logan yelled, the strain on his voice becoming more apparent. He grabbed my hand before I got too far from the bed.


"Don't leave! Please?!" His voice was softening, but he was still talking quite loudly.

"Put the camera down," I said, giving him a stern look, but not moving any farther away from him.

"But the Logang," he started.

"Will understand that you don't have much going on today. We can just film a Q&A later, or something.

With that I got back on the bed and fell asleep with him.

~Time Skip~

I woke up to a small cough. I turned to look at Logan, who was sitting behind me, and saw him trying to hold back from coughing, probably trying not to wake me. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

"What are doing?" I asked him, my voice clouded with sleep. At my words his head shot towards mine, his expression apologetic.

"I'm sorry I woke you up," he mumbled, looking down to his lap, letting out another pitiful cough.

"Aww. It's okay baby. Do you need anything?" I asked him. He shook his head no and I got up to go to the bathroom.

Upon returning I saw Logan once more spiraled across the bed, snoring softly. I sighed and got back in the bed with him, falling asleep as well.

Yeah. That's it. Sorry for lying about posting this like 4 times but the prologue and fist chapter of Runner is out if you wanna check out those.

Byee! 😘

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