Valentine's Day

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I'm sorry if this is kinda cliche but I'm a hopeless romantic. So without further ado...

I woke up in mine and Logan's shared bed, but something was missing. The usual warmth of Logan's body behind me was not, where it usually resonated  from, behind me.

This caused me to wake up completely. I looked around for any sign of Logan, but there was nothing.

I sighed, figuring that he had already started vlogging for the day, and rolled over to grab my phone off of the nightstand. As I reached out for my phone, my eyes landed on a small piece of paper laying just beyond the hand held device. I picked it up.

On the note was a simple message: Meet me in the kitchen. -L

I did as I was told, not bothering to
change out of my pajamas, which were simply a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

I was walking down the stairs when the smell finally hit me. I got excited, knowing the scent anywhere.

Waffles! And bacon! Food!!

I started running down the stairs and I almost tripped. I played it cool by jumping the rest of the way down the stairs (there were only like 3 left anyway). I ran into the kitchen to see Logan standing, facing me, with a chefs hat on. In front of him laid two plates of my favorite breakfast foods, two cups of coffee, and a bouquet of roses that were conveniently already in a vase.

"Logan," I gasped, for I had no words.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" He exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged back equally as tight, a few happy tears seeping from my eyes.

I pulled back looking into his eyes, which locked with mine before he pulled my into a kiss. The kiss was perfect, it was so romantic.

When we pulled apart I smiled at Logan who reached behind himself, pulling a small-ish box from behind him. It was obviously jewelry.

He handed me the box. Inside was a simple, but beautiful necklace.

It had white diamonds all over it, with two larger diamonds near the bottom

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It had white diamonds all over it, with two larger diamonds near the bottom.

I looked back up at Logan and he had a small smile on his face. He took the box back, taking the necklace out of the box. He walked around me, placing the necklace on me, as I just stood there in shock of how beautiful it was.

When he walked back around me, and when our eyes met, I found my voice.

"Happy Valentine's Day. I love you."

This is kinda short but I'm a procrastinator and I wanted to get this done today.

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