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^^their new song^^

What happens when you get sick?


I woke up feeling like crap. My head hurt, my throat was sore, my nose was stuffed. I hate being sick. I looked over at my alarm clock: 3:54. Uggh!

Why can't I just sleep? Oh! That's right! I can't breathe! Uggh!

I picked up my phone to text Logan. Yeah, I know it's four in the morning but he'll check his phone when he gets up and sees it.

Good Morning Logan. I'm not feeling that well so I'll have to take a rain check on our plans tonight.

End Text


Now that that's done, I can try to go back to sleep. Key word: try.

Time Skip to 5:30 AM
Text (L: Logan Y: Y/N)

L: Good Morning! Do you want me to come over or anything? 🤨❤️

Y: No it's fine. I don't want you to get sick too❤️

L: Are you sure? Cuz I could go pick up some food or something and nurse you back to health ❤️😂

Y: That's really sweet of you but I really don't want you to get sick ❤️

L: I'm on my way
End texts


Of course he is. That man is so stubborn.

It wasn't until half an hour later that I heard the front door unlock and Logan come inside (he has a spare key). I could tell that he was clogging by the way his voice projected through the whole room.

I heard him run up the stairs to my room, knocking slightly before entering. I just stared at him from the spot on my bed.

He is so extra, I thought to myself, as I saw the big teddy bear, flowers, and candy he was holding. I mean, seriously, I'm just sick, it's not Valentine's Day.

He had his vlog camera pointed on me as I facepalmed. No words were said between us yet as all we did was make eye contact.

His smile grew as I shook my head.

"Logan, I told you not to come here," I complained. Wow I sound really sick.

"And I ignored you," he replied sassily. "And I suggest you appreciate me putting my immune system in danger for you."

"Ugh. Well since your here, could you make me food?" I begged, knowing he couldn't say no to me.

"Of course! What do you want?" He asked, acting like a waiter.

"Mmmm," I thought for a second. "Pancakes!" I yelled, getting happy. "Also could you bring me some tissues or something.

"Yeah, whatever," he yelled because he had already left the room to fulfill my demands.

He came back soon later with a plate of what looked kind of like pancakes; but burnt and not cooked at the same time.

Long story short, Logan can't cook. Anything. Like, at all.

He saw me looking at his "pancakes" and glanced down. He looked back at me with a defeated, but amused, expression.

"Yeah... I'll just Postmates you some pancakes," he said, accepting defeat.

"Mhmm," I replied sassily. He put in the order on his phone before turning to me.

"Do you need anything else?"

"No Logan. I am completely fine."

"Are you sure because I can do whatever."

"Yes I'm sure Logan. Just come here." He walked up to me, as I extended my arms for him.

He accepted my arms and sat down on the be beside me. My head resting on his shoulder and his head on top of mine.

I could feel myself falling back to sleep. I think Logan noticed to because he moved me so I was laying down and stood up, walking to the other side of the bed to lay down with me.

He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "I love you Y/N," was what I heard before drifting to sleep.

Logan's POV

I fell asleep next to Y/N after telling her that I loved her. It's not an unusual thing as we have been dating for a while now.

Yeah, I was kinda upset that our plans had been messed up, but we were still together, right?


I woke up to the door bell ringing. I looked over at Y/N and she was still fast asleep. Good.

I went to the door and saw the Postmates guy with the food that I ordered earlier.

I thanked and the payed the guy before walking back inside to the kitchen, where I placed down the food. I went back upstairs to Y/N's room, but I didn't go in. I just stood in the door frame and watched her sleep.

It's not creepy. I swear.

She stirred a little in her sleep and I figured that I should wake her up for breakfast.

"Y/N, wake up. The pancakes are here," I said kind of quietly.

The moment I said pancakes her eyes opened immediately.

"Yay!" She cheered, her voice cracking a little because of her disease.

For the rest of the day, I took responsibility and took care of her, in attempt to nurse her back to health.

Hey... so this sucks, but, yesterday, my one friend described people who were sick as 'plague-carriers.'

Logan Paul ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now