First Vlog (pt. 2)

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I woke up, excited for today. I stood up and started jumping on mine and Logan's shared bed.

"Wake up!" I yelled. "We gots stuff to do!"

"Y/N calm down!" Logan yelled back, clearly not putting up with my crap. Truth be told, I was kinda annoying myself right now, but I was too excited to care at the moment.

"No," I responded as I got off the bed and ran the the kitchen. I grabbed the Cinnamon Frosted Flakes and a bowl. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some milk. I made some cereal and sat, waiting for Logan to come out of our room. Surprise, surprise: he didn't come out.

I groaned as I walked back into the room and saw him asleep on our bed. This is ridiculous I thought as I grabbed his one foot, that he had, conveniently, hanging over the bed. Once I had a good grip on his foot, I turned towards the door and started walking. I didn't have to turn around to know that he had fallen. He made a sound of protest before standing up and walking over to the closet, grabbing some Maverick merch to wear.

As for me, I walked right out the door, ready to conquer the day and everything the world planned to throw at me. I walked over to the table where all of the new camera stuff was sitting.

"Logan! Teach me how to work this!" I screamed, for he had still not left the room.

"Coming," he replied, hurrying out of the room, probably to make sure I didn't break anything.

"So basically you need to make sure the less is facing towards yo–"

"I know that dipstick," I cut him off

"Ok. Moving on then... Just press this button and it'll start recording."

"Cool. Is that it then?"

"Yup," he said, popping the 'p'

I held up the camera, ready to start recording. Then I stopped.

"Hey Logan, what do I say to open my vlog?"

"Ummm... You can use my intro, but instead of Logang you can just say guys instead?" He said, though it sounded more like a question.

"Okay," I said, holding the camera back up. I struggled to find the button the Logan told me started the recording.

"Here, let me." Logan said walking over and taking the camera from me. He nodded, signifying that he had started recording.

"Ayyooo! Good Morning Guys! What's poppin?" I started the vlog. This wasn't so bad. "So, some of you might know me from Logan Paul's vlogs. And if you are coming from his channel, I'm sure that my intro sounds pretty familiar. No, I didn't steal it. He's letting me use it. But just until we find something else for us to use. I hope I get better at this, and with your guys' help, I know that we will become a stronger family than Logan's."

"Not possible," he said from behind the camera, after being silent the whole time.

"Anyway," I continued, rolling my eyes, "let's get on with our day!"

Logan stopped recording.

"I am so proud of you, babe."

"Thanks Logan. It means a lot." He hugged me as we got ready for the rest of our day, which included his vlog.

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