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Idea given by _angiepaul_

Y/n's POV

I opened my car door and stepped into the night. The darkness of the driveway giving my eyes a break from the glare of the lights at work and the constant flashing of headlights on the highway.

I was beyond tired. Tired didn't even begin to cover it, I was exhausted. Work sucks, and I have to be there for eight hours! (From 9 to 5)

I changed out of my work clothes, because they are far too uncomfortable to water to sleep, and put on some Maverick joggers and the Favorite Hoodie. I got them from the in-home merch store and I didn't want to go up the stairs do I just walked over to the couch and laid down.

I could feel myself drifting off to sleep, my eyelids getting heavy, and the sounds of the world slowly drifting away.

Logan's POV

"Okay, Logang. We are back at my house now and I'm going to surprise
Y/n because I'm usually not home when she gets here," I told the camera that Brendan was holding while opening the front door and walking inside.

I looked around and saw Y/ n asleep on the couch. I forgot what I was doing, it was just too cute. I forgot that Brendan was still filming and probably caught me staring.

I flashed back into reality when she shifted in her sleep. I turned to Brendan and made a hand gesture to 'cut the camera.'

He did as I said, letting the camera fall back down to his side. I walked up to Y/N, crouching down so my face was level to hers.

My eyes skimmed over her, exhausted, facial features. There were bags under her eyes, and her mouth frowning slightly, as though she was thinking.

I turned back to Brendan, noticing that he wasn't in the room anymore. I walked into the kitchen, remembering how he said he was hungry earlier.

"Bro! Y/N's asleep. Should I leave her there or take her up to my room?" I asked, getting a second opinion.

He thought about it for a while before responding. "Upstairs. I've slept on that couch before and it isn't the most comfortable thing in the world. Then again, she's half my height," he said, letting out a small chuckle.

I nodded and went back towards the couch where Y/N slept peacefully.

I picked her up carefully, trying not to wake her up. When I got up to my room, I lauded her down gently on our bed, before kissing her on the forehead
and leaving to edit the vlog.


I woke up, still tired, but in mine and Logan's shared room. He must have moved me. I checked the time on my phone which was in my pocket where I left it.


So I got like five hours of sleep, that's not too bad considering what I was doing.

I decided to go find Logan, since he is obviously here.

I walked out of the bedroom and to the top of the stairs, where I could hear Logan and Brendan having a quiet conversation.

I continued down the stairs, silently, not alerting the guys of my presence.

The voices were coming from the kitchen so that's where I went.

I could see Logan's mop of blond hair from behind the screen of his computer, his fingers making tiny clicks as they hit the keys. Brendan, on the other hand, was raiding the cabinets for food, the remnants of what he already had on the island. Those boys eat too much.

I walked up to Logan and hugged him from behind, he made a slight noise of surprise before turning around and hugging me back.

"Good Morning Princess," he said.

"It's Ten at night," I replied stating the obvious and successfully ruining the moment.

We were just hugging for a while when my eyes started to close again. Logan brought me out of almost-asleep-mode by talking again.

"Why did you get up if you were still tired?" He asked laughing at my sleepy self.

"I wanted to see you," I responded, with my eyes closed.

"Well, You can't see me if your eyes are closed."

"But I don't want to open them."

"Do you want me to take you back upstairs?"

I just nodded. Half a second later I felt myself being picked up and carried back up the stairs. The journey to the bed was short, but I still fell asleep on the way there.

By the time I hit the bed I was sleeping.

Logan's POV

I hope she stays asleep this time. I thought to myself. I am almost done my vlog and then I can come up here and go to sleep with her.

And that's exactly what I did.

Sorry this took so long but there is a lot of stuff going on at school (midterms, drama, course selection for next year). I think I am considered 'talking to someone' but I'm not sure and I don't know how he feels. But I tried to make this as good as possible and yeah. So I hope you enjoyed it.

Till next time.

P.S. don't forget to give me ideas to write more 😊

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