"Just to see you smile" Part 3

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9th Grade

I got off the bus, looking for Y/N. I spotted her by the doors of the school. She didn't see me yet because she was looking down at her phone. I smiled as a thought popped into my head.

I backed into the crowd, trying to blend in with the other people that were walking to the building. When I got close enough to the school I separated from the group and walked towards   Y/N, but I made it seem like I was just headed towards the other door. (I'm basing this off the way my high school looks)

I quickly grabbed her by her shoulders and yelled in her ear.

"Boo!" She quickly turned around with a startled look on her face. When she saw that it was just me she slapped me playfully on the chest and started to walk in to school. I quickly followed after her.

"C'mon, it was just a joke!" I almost yelled, causing many stares, trying to reason with her.

"Stop! You're causing a scene!" She replied, obviously trying to fight off a smile.

"C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!" I kept yelling, causing even more people to look on at us with confused stares. Her face grew red as she pushed my face away and kept walking. 

"Stop," she said again, putting emphasis on the 'p' and holding out the 'o'. Not in that order, of course.

She turned down the hallway with the classrooms. (There are three floors and all of the classrooms are stacked giving the rooms numbers like 134 (In the basement kind of), 234 (The floor you would enter on), and 334 (Upstairs basically), based on what is taught in them... If that makes sense) I followed her, knowing where she was going even if I couldn't see her.

We got to her locker. I stood there, taking in the natural beauty of her. The way her eyebrows scrunched when she was looking for her math book, or when her nose wrinkled at the sight of unfinished homework.

Suddenly she turned to me. The fury of a thousand stars blazing in her eyes.

"You told me we didn't have English homework," she complained, still looking angry.

She's hot when she's angry. No! Stop stupid brain. Now is not the time or place for this.

"Well you were taking too long and I needed attention," I shrugged, not knowing why she was so caught up in this.

"Well tonight you can get it from your parrot because I'm going to ignore you until I know I'm done with my homework," she said, turning back to her liked to get the last of her thing. She placed her items in her bag as we walked back out towards 'Main Street' (basically where the cafeteria, gym, auditorium, and offices are.) We walked over towards her friends so she could talk to them before we had to go to homeroom.

Skip to After School

I got off the bus and went to my room. I tried to FaceTime Y/N, but alas, she kept true to her word and was ignoring me.

I was laying on my bed, trying to find something to do for the next 3 hours. Then it hit me. It was the end of September. Homecoming was soon. I can plan a way to ask her. But how?

When I got the idea I sat up, so now that I was thinking again I laid back down.

I texted Y/Bf/N. (Your Best friends Name) I asked her if she could text Y/N to see if she can figure out how she wanted to be asked.

I went back to lying on my bed, thinking about every way that I could ask. A few minutes later I heard my phone go off. I scrambled to get to it, hoping it was my loving girlfriend.

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