"Just To See You Smile" Part 2

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I went back to school the next day, excitedly looking around the room for my new best friend. I couldn't find her. I got sad. Then I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

"Hi!!" She giggled, which caused me to gigg- I mean manly laugh.

"Hi!" I returned. "Oh. Here," I said, pulling the note out from my bag. "You are supposed to give it to your mom. It's from my mom," I stated matter-o-factly.

"Ok!" She said without looking at the note. She spotted some of her other friends in the corner playing with some dolls that they brought in. I saw mine playing with Lego's and walked over, dropping my bag at my seat as a I did so.

"Ok class! Please go to your seats!" We all listened because we were told the best behaved class got a pizza party and we really like pizza.

"Today is show and tell! So we are going to start off with that and hopefully get some learning in afterwards." Nobody grabbed because that would consider us bad and one of the other classes would win.

"Who wants to go first?" Mrs. K asked while putting the show-er chair in the front of the room.

I raised my hand really fast because I had something really cool to share.

"Okay Logan, come up here and bring your item up, please." I reached onto my back pack and pulled out a simple picture. Except the picture was special because it's mine.

I walked up to the front of the class, jumping into the show-er seat. I started off my explanation the way everyone does.

"Hi! My name is Logan," I stated simply, a smile forming on my face.

"HI LOGAN!" The class shouted back.

"So today I brought a picture. It's a picture of someone that I hold very close to my heart. It's my pet bird Maverick." I flipped the picture around so everyone could see it.

I looked over at Y/N to see her smiling, her eyes shifting back and forth between me and the picture. Our eyes connected. We were gonna be best friends forever.

7th Grade

I got off the bus, spotting Y/N almost immediately. I almost ran up to her in excitement. Sure, I saw her over the summer, almost everyday, but I still missed her.

When I reached her we hugged and walked inside the building together. Our first year of Middle School. Hopefully it's not as bad as everyone says it is. I looked over at Y/N. Her smile was fading as she looked at the interior of the building where older kids were milling around and intimidating us younger ones.

"Hey," I said, making her look at me. "Don't worry. I'll protect you." As I said this, the smile that I loved on her face slowly came back. We would be fine.

Later in the year (imagine like End of March or April)

I really need to talk to Y/N. I was sitting in my room when I decided I couldn't wait till tomorrow to see her. It was 11:30 PM but I needed to talk to her. More than over the phone.

I ran downstairs and asked my mom if I could go over to Y/Ns house. She didn't really care as long as I told Y/N I was coming over. I agreed knowing that Y/N was probably asleep.

I didn't bother trying to contact Y/N and just ran up to my room to grab a pair of shoes and my favorite hoodie. I left the house, the sound of the front door opening and closing was the only noise alerting my mom that I had left.

Time skip to when her gets to her(your) house. Whatever you want to call it

I had been her enough to know which window was hers. Luckily, for me, there is a tree outside her window.

After I had climbed the tree I had trouble figuring out how I was supposed to get to the window. There was a small balcony but to get to it I had to jump from a branch. OUT OF A FRICKEN TREE. I was insane. This isn't gonna happen.

I started to turn around, ready to get down from the tree when I heard the balcony door open and a small, tired sounding voice say my name.

"Logan? What are you doing in a tree?" Y/N asked me, a confused look on her face. I couldn't back out now so I decided to play it cool.

"Hey, Y/N! Come here often?" I tried to change the subject and get her to smile. Have I mentioned that I love her smile yet?

"Yeah. Kinda." She replied, a small smile on her face.

"Sooo... Can I come in?" I questioned, still crouching uncomfortably in a tree. This seemed to break her out of a trance as she stepped back from the railing.

"Y-Yeah. Of course," she said. Almost as a second thought she added, "Be careful!"

I waited for her to move out of my way, or back inside in her case, and got ready to jump from the tree to the window.

I jumped.

I made it. Barely. When I was safely on the balcony, Y/N came back outside and gave me a hug. She didn't say anything as she pulled me inside her house and shut the balcony door.

There was a long silence, then, "What are you doing here?" She questioned, a confused look on her face.

"I came her to see you," I replied without hesitation. "I needed to talk to you."

"And this couldn't wait till tomorrow, why?" She asked, a small smile on her face.

"'Cuz it's important and I couldn't sleep without telling you." I was being serious from the beginning. I could tell that that fact was confusing her because I'm never serious.

"Ok. Shoot," she said, taking a seat on the side of her bed. She patted the area next to her as a signal to sit down. But I didn't want to sit. If I did I would never be able to tell her. Instead I opted for walking around the room, pacing, one might say.

"Logan, what's wrong?" Y/N asked while my back was turned. I could also here her stand up from her bed. I stopped walking. I could feel her hugging me from behind. This was harder than I thought. I turned around and took a deep breath.


"You what, Logan?"

"I..., I like you. Like, like like you." The world stopped spinning and it was just me looking into her eyes as she looked into mine. I was scared of rejection, especially since I just put my heart out in the open.

She didn't say anything for a while so I put my head down. I told myself I wouldn't cry. I won't. I can't. I'm going to if this girl doesn't say anything soon.

I started to walk away, back towards the balcony where I came in. She grabbed my hand before I could leave. I looked over at her, a single tear on my cheek.

"I think I like like you too," she said, another smile on her face. It was contagious and ended up on my face.

I hugged her one last time before I had to head back home. It was harder to get back onto the tree than it was to get off of it, but I made it so it was fine.

When I got back home I laid down on my bed. That stupid smile still on my face. I couldn't wait for the rest of my life.

There is going to be a part three because this part is getting kinda long.

Logan Paul ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now