imagine | stan

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your heavy breathing was all that could be heard, as you ran through the forest of derry. it made no sense, none at all, for your boyfriend to be coming after you with a knife.

stanley uris was a gentleman, a cutie, and he was completely infatuated with you. in love with you beyond comparison. and now, he — if it even was him — was coming for you with a huge steak knife from his mother's kitchen. hot tears traveled down your cheeks, and blood ran down your legs from huge scrapes on your knees. your jeans and t-shirt were ripped up, and you were inhaling ragged breaths as you continued to run.

a sob escaped your mouth, and you looked back. gone. the curly haired boy was gone from behind you, and your spine went cold. where did he go? what the hell? nobody can just disappear like that, when they're that dead on about killing you. your h/c hair blew in the wind, and leaves traveled across the ground. silence filled the air, and your jaw was clenched.

you whipped around, and there, towering over you, was a sadistic looking clown. his orange hair was wisping around in the wind, and his red smile curved up his face to his tall carved eyebrows. rows of sharp teeth decorated his mouth, and his face was happy. incredibly.

"hiya, y/n. would you like a balloon?" he asked, holding a blood red balloon forward, his smile a tad bit inviting. his baby cheeks taunted your vision. you gasped, and stumbled back. "oh, you aren't afraid are you?! like richie, afraid of a harmless little clown?" he asked.
this clown was far from little, his height frightened you a lot like his face, and victorian clothing.

"n-no." you said, still speaking. mom had told you, if you're afraid of someone, don't let them know this. seem unafraid, unfazed. it will help.
"well, then take a balloon y/n. go on." he said, his smile widening. you reached forward, your fingers clamping around the string of the balloon. and suddenly, this clown had grabbed you.

a scream ripped through your mouth, echoing in the woods. his teeth were now more visible, and drool dropped from his red lips. a growl had come from him, but it was muted by your scream. "listen, little y/n l/n. your friends, and family, and anybody you have ever talked to, seen, or heard from ARE NOT SAFE FROM ME. nobody is. i'll devour stanley, and richie, and bill, and all of your friends. and i'll save you for last." he growled, dropping you, but not before his scaly tongue had traveled up your cheek. "tasty. maybe you'll be first." he cackled, dropping you finally. you made contact with the forest floor, and he disappeared.

paralyzed on the grassy ground, you held your breath, and counted to 10 in your head. then, you jumped up, and took off limping
to richie's house. it was where they were when they weren't at the clubhouse thing (idk). thudding on the door, you waited, and then the big eyed richie tozier answered the door.
"hey doll- HOLY SH- STAN!" richie hollered, his eyes wide on your looks. ripped clothes, messy hair, bloody nose and legs.

then, your curly haired lover appeared in the doorway.
"y/n! baby, what happened?!" he exclaimed, and you dove into his arms. "y-you, and then the clown, and-and," you sobbed, and he shushed you. hugging you to him, he called the losers to the living room.
"this clown did this. the fucking clown did this to her." he snarled, looking absolutely livid. "i swear, if another slimy paw on that clown touches y/n again, i'm gonna pop more than his balloon!" he shouted.

"c-calm down, s-stan." bill said, brushing your hair out of you're face, to which stan growled at. nobody was allowed any physical contact with you right now but him. "absolutely not, bill! i am not going to calm down! this is my girlfriend we're talking about. my other half. and if she dies, i die. we're supposed to die together." he said. and then he took you home, cleaned you up, and climbed into bed with you.

"you're not going to school tomorrow." he said, and you were about to protest, but he shushed you.
"babygirl, i am so sorry for not being there. you have cuts, injuries. and if i had been there, there would have been less of a chance. and i'm sorry. i love you so, so much." he said, sniffling. you hadn't realized that he'd been crying until you ward the sniffle.
"awe, stan. it's okay. i shouldn't have been walking alone in the woods anyway. and i love you too. equally as much, and even more." you said, and his lips locked on yours.

his lips moved on yours, and everything was right. as long as you were together.
again, i'm sorry for not updating 💕

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