imagine | wyatt

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after break up texts:

song: out loud by gabbie hanna. listen to it while reading. 

wyatt oleff🧠: idk what to do anymore.

jaeden lieberher🤮: wy you just need to take a breath, and calm down.

wyatt oleff🧠: don't call me that. y/n calls me that.

jaeden lieberher🤮: wyatt, there's nothing you can do.

wyatt oleff🧠: yes there is. i could go to her.

jaeden: there is no promise that she'll take you back wyatt!

wyatt: i want her to come back.

jaeden: i understand. but after what you said to her...

wyatt: i regret everything. i regret meeting her, because it caused this. i mess everything up


the words he had typed were true to him. he had messed it up, and completely let it crash and burn. maybe if he hadn't said what he did.. but he wanted to fix it. he wanted to be able to kiss her again, feel her soft skin against his own, and melt in her warmth. he just wanted y/n. 

jaeden was iffy about the whole situation. he had no clue if y/n would take poor wyatt back, after what he had said to her hit home like that. what exactly had he said? 


flashback: "wyatt! come on." y/n said, seeing that the boy was about to leave her house. another simple little hang out had turned into an argument again. "what y/n? are you gonna try and fix it again? well don't bother! i'm finished with it! i have no clue why i'd date someone so useless anyway." he said, leaving her house. 

y/n slouched against the door, as warm tears traveled down her cheeks. she grasped her phone, and sent wyatt a meaningful message. 

y/n: don't bother coming back. 


when wyatt had received that message, it didn't matter much to him. but then, it pressured him. that message was the last one he had gotten from y/n in the long run. he sniffled as he read it over and over again. calling her wasn't a choice. his number had been deleted. 

he'd try. he would call her number right now, it had been memorized. xxx-xxx-xxxx. 
it rung 4 times, and then, nothing. 

he would leave a message desperately, he wanted her back. he wanted her to tell him everything was fine, and normal, and she wasn't mad, or sad, or depressed. and that she still loved him. 
the beep rung, and the message was recording. 
"y-y/n. *deep breath* i'm sorry. so, so sorry. please come back. you're not useless, and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. answer my calls. i need you right now." he said, and then he hung up. 

on the other side, y/n was listening. panicking, and wondering if maybe she should have answered the phone. or moved on. should she call back? no. if she did, she'd tell him she still loved him, and that she wasn't sad, mad, or depressed. and that everything was okay. and normal. and nothing was fine. or normal. 

                                                                      she was lost. 


part two? :( sad noodle

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