imagine | nic

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you're nicholas hamilton's best friend, and have hidden feelings for him: yall are in high school.
this was a y/n l/n problem. those kind of problems hide inside.

this is what nic liked to call them, because he was usually the one to confront y/n about it, because he could always tell if something was wrong.

this time he wouldn't, and if he would, it'd be extremely hard. because the problem here was, she had developed feelings for a certain person she had vowed not to.

y/n l/n had always been a sucker for the kind ones, the ones who thought about others' feelings and did something about them, unlike the people who were careless and walked over people's feelings like grass.

you'd think she'd have gone for chosen jacobs, who was undeniably handsome, kind, compassionate, and well, UNDENIABLY HANDSOME.

or jeremy ray taylor, who was a cute lil marshmallow, who was kind, considerate, compassionate, shy, and A CUTE LIL MARSHMALLOW.

but no. her heart decided to torture her with falling for nicholas hamilton. you have to admit, he wasn't ugly. he was quite hot. his blonde hair, sharp facial features, and perfect body.

not only was his body perfect, his personality was. he was nice, kind, passionate, he was everything. not to mention he had a deadly smile. one of those smiles that made others jealous, the bright carefree smile.

y/n had fallen deep for him, and it was of no use to go looking for someone else, when the person you love sees you everyday, hugs you everyday, comes into contact with you everyday! how is anybody gonna come out of that?

and what hurt her the most was, he had no clue she felt this way. and it had to stay that way. the only way, to make it stay that way, was to admit it to herself, and end the friendship. it would hurt them both pretty badly, but it had to be done.

y/n jumped out of her bed, her hair a mess. anxiety was eating her up, but she still got ready to go, and shipped herself off to school.

wearing a blue button up, black leggings, and one of nic's jackets, she left her hair down and looked at her appearance. good enough. walking downstairs, she grabbed an apple, and left to her car.

after a 10 minute drive, she had shown up at school. there was nicholas hamilton, hanging out with his jock friends. his hair was in his usual messy spike, and his laugh exploded out of his mouth in booming waves.

y/n smiled a little at his reaction to his friend's words, but just went inside instead of going over to hang out for a while. after all, she was ending the friendship, right?

arriving at her locker, she put all of her things inside except for the stuff she needed for her first class.


math was absolute torture for y/n. she sucked at it, and she usually asked nic for help. what made it worse was that there was a test today.

a test!

if she didn't have help from someone, her grade would be an F and that wouldn't be okay. so, she'd have to find someone else to help her.

giving nic the cold shoulder broke her heart, but if she wanted him NOT to know that she was in love with him... it had to happen. nicholas hamilton wouldn't take well to it, she thought.

but she was wrong.

firstly, she had to get someone to sit next to her so nic didn't take the available seat. across the hall was michael liberty, a guy that had liked her since probably second grade.

she knew he had a decent math grade.

or she could go with the trusty paul corbin, who had an amazing math grade but was actually pretty annoying.

or there was lillian york. she was a super genius. she was also bisexual. but who cared?

she approached lillian with a smile, and a small wave.
"oh, hello y/n!" lillian said, greeting her kindly. "hi lillian! so i was wondering if maybe you'd like to sit next to me in math today?" she asked.

nobody could say no to y/n l/n. she was beautiful and popular and she smelt like lavender and sunny days. "yeah, of course! i'm guessing you need help with the test?" lillian asked. meanwhile, y/n was looking across the hall with wide eyes.

nic was standing there with a confused expression. i mean, if your best friend just suddenly changed courses on you in the middle of a completely normal day, you'd be confused too.
his eyes were glued to his best friend, who had avoided him like her life depended on it.

he slowly approached

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