Ch. 15

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We've been sitting for 5 hours. People have come and gone and came back again. Me on the other hand, I haven't moved. I haven't eaten, slept, or left. I can't help but to think about the little boy or girl I could be having with Nicole. My first seed. I've grown to love my baby so much in the past few hours I just can't stop thinking about it. I understand why Nicole kept this from me but it was selfish of her. It was also foolish of me to cheat on her. I was thinkin with my dick more so than my heart. I just hope they're both Ok. I love Nicole. I've loved her since the first time I laid eyes on her and I'll never make a mistake like that again.

"Family of Nicole King?"

We all stood and I approached the doctor. "Yes I'm her husband."

"Mr. King your wife has made a remarkable recovery."He said with a warm smile.

"Oh thank God."I said rejoicing. "But.. what about the baby?"

His smile faded and he shook his head. "I'm terribly sorry. It was either her or the baby."

I could feel my heart break. The pieces tempting to fall out my chest. "C-can I see her?"

"Of course."

I followed him down to the long hall way and to the first door on the left. I opened the door and saw Nicole sleeping. Her body looked fragile and she was hooked up to many machines. Her face was busted with bruises and she was bandaged up. I pulled a chair up to her bedside and intertwined my fingers in hers. I rested my head on her bed and silently cried.

"I'm so sorry Nicole." I whispered. "It's all my fault."


I lifted my head to look at her bruised face. "Yes baby I'm here."

"W-what happened?"

Her voice was nearly a whisper. She sounded so weak and it hurt me to the core. It was painful just to relive the events and tell her what happened. "You were shot baby."

She sat there for a moment trying to register in her mind what was going on. "Brandon I'm pregnant. Tell the doctor's I'm-"

"They know Nicole."

"What happened to my baby?"her voice cracked and tears started to form in her eyes.

"The baby..."i sighed. "the baby didn't make it."

She started to whimper a painful, dreadful cry. I stood and held her while running my fingers through her hair.

"It's gonna be'll be ok."






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