Ch. 17

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1 week later


I still don't think this person can help, but I agreed to go. We were driving to the place in our SUV BMW. Brandon was wearing a orange V-neck polo shirt with a blue horse with white Levi shorts with orange and blue elite socks with the matching KD's. I had on a red polo shirt with a white horse and denim shorts with bred 11's Christmas J's. My hair was down and my face had its natural glow, but I felt dead inside.

We pulled up to the therapist office and got out. He tried to reach for my hand but I declined. I still love my husband, but I just don't want him all up on me. I want to handle this on my own. He sighed and shook his head. I know I've been hurting him lately but I just can't let him in.

"I-i don't think I can do this."

"Nicole, one session. One session is all I ask. Please."

I rolled my eyes. "Ok."

I followed him inside and he went to the reception desk. "We have an appointment to see Dr. Smith."


"Brandon and Nicole King."

"Right this way."

She led us down the long hall filled with images of people who looked so happy and cheerful. They were laughing and smiling. Something I haven't done in a while. She stopped at the room with the nameplate Dr. Smith and escorted us in.

A woman in her mid 30's stood to greet us. She had on a plaid pants suits and looked great. You could tell she was a stress free type of person from her warm smile to how she lit up the room from her glow. Her persona gave off a good feeling.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. King."

"Hi."We said shaking her hand.

"Please sit."

We sat down on the brown leather couch across from her. Brandon tried to put his arm around me but I stopped him.

"I see one problem already."She chuckled. "So tell me, what seems to be going on?"

"Dr. Smith, my wife and I lost our baby last month due to a miscarriage. My wife was shot. She was kidnapped and beaten and raped. I also committed adultery and my past was the cause of all this. But now she won't eat, she cries all day, stays in bed, and won't let me comfort her."

"What about you Mr. King? How are you feeling?"

"I'm hurting too. I'm also angry that she kept the baby a secret from me."

"Mrs. King-"

"Call me Nicole."

"Nicole, what seems to be going through your mind?"

"Nobody understands. He wasn't raped and beaten, I was. He wasn't shot, I was. He wasn't laid up in a hospital bed, I was. And he damn sure ain't feel the pain of my abortion."

"You're right. Physically he couldn't feel your pain, but emotionally it is eating him alive. I can see from just looking at the two of you that you both are lacking daily needs in life. There are bags under both of your eyes, you look thin from lack of eating. You look so vibrant on the outside, but dead on the inside." Dr. Smith said. "So tell me Nicole, why won't you let Brandon help you heal?"

"Because I wanna do it on my own. I don't want help."

"But you need it."Brandon butted in.

"No I dont."I said mugging him.

"Why are you so bitter?!"he said.

"Brandon, leave me alone."

"Ok ok. Nicole, I understand that you think you can do it on your own, but what about your husband? He probably needs that support from you. He can't do it on his own."

I sat there for a moment. "I guess I never thought about it that way."

"Mhm. Let me ask you two something, do you still love each other?"

We looked at each other and shook our heads yes." And do you want to get your marriage back on track?"

"Yes."We said in unison.

"Then Nicole, let your husband hold you."

Brandon looked at me for confirmation. I nodded my head, letting him know that it was ok. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. I laid my head on his chest and let his aroma engulf me. I melted into his arms. I closed my eyes to savor the moment. Man I missed this.

"Don't you both feel better?" Dr. Smith asked.

"Yes. Yes I do."I said holding on to him tighter.

We all stood and shook hands again. "Will I see you two next week?"

"Yes."I answered.

We had a long way to go, and I'm willing to try.


"Baby, thank you for going today."Brandon said opening the door to the house.

"Honestly, I'm glad we went."



"Can I hold you again?"

I smiled and walked into his chest. He kissed my forehead and held my tighter. "I love you so much."he said into my hair.

"I love you too."

"I love you more."he said playfully.

I giggled. "Show me."

He broke our hug and looked at me like I was crazy. "Did I hear that correctly?"

"Yes."I said pulling him down and kissing hin passionately. "Give me what I been missing."I said biting my lip.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bedroom where we made love all night.






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