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I can't get that image out of my head. It's the most gruesome thing I have ever seen. To see that body all torn up, blood splattered around the room. The poor girl's insides were everywhere. I couldn't get any sleep. When I close my eyes, I'm back in that bathroom screaming my lungs out. Ryan had to pull me back and cover my eyes while people were calling the police. Who would do such a thing?

It was two hours later until the police let me go home. When it was time for me to go to sleep...I couldn't. The body is permanently scarred into my brain. The blood would be the first thing I see whenever I close my eyes. It's terrifying.

"Get some sleep, Alina," I heard Newt whisper next to me.

Newt thought it wouldn't be the best idea for me to be by myself after witnessing something like that. He said he could stay and I was more than happy to. He'd offer to take the couch, but I asked him to stay in the same room as me. I've been laying in bed for the past three hours just staring at the ceiling. I thought Newt dosed off, but I guess I was wrong.

"I can't," I mumbled. "I can't see all of that...not again."

"Hey." Newt grabbed my chin and pulled me towards him. "Everything is going to be ok."

I shook my head as I looked back up at the ceiling. "You say that. But how can I go on with my day if I keep seeing that body. All that blood...I haven't seen so much blood in my life." He opened his mouth, but I interrupted him. "And the killer is still out there. He could be killing someone this exact moment while we're just trying to sleep." I pulled the covers off me. "We have to stop him."

I was about to get up, but Newt pulled me back down. "We can't. Let the police do their work. What you need to do is sleep. Get your mind off it."


Newt leaned over and kissed me softly. He held it there for a while. I felt my eyes drooping as we pulled away.

"Just get some sleep, Alina."

And I did.


The next morning I got up a bit early. Newt was still sleeping, so I quietly got up and went towards the living room. I grabbed my sketchbook and pen and started to draw. This is something I need to remember. I made sure to get every detail. The blood, the body torn apart. I was so into it until I felt something crawl on my foot. I squealed as I brought my foot up and looked on the ground. When I didn't find anything I moved the couch. Nothing. Huh?

Newt quickly came into the living room and looked around frantically. "Morning," He greeted, his gaze not meeting mine.

I gave him a confused look. "Newt, looking for something?"

His gaze snapped at me. "What?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "Oh, no, no. I was just looking for my - my coat."

His coat? I went over to him and pulled on the coat he had on now. "You mean this one?"

"Yes." He gave me a nervous smile. "I must have forgotten I had it on."

He kept looking around the room before his eyes went wide when he looked behind me. I gave him a confused look.

"Newt, what are you -" I was about to turn around, but Newt grabbed my face and kissed me. I was a bit shocked about this at first until I relaxed and kissed him back. We slowly backed up until my back hit the wall. He kept my face in place for a few more seconds before he pulled back. "What - What was that for?"

His cheeks started to turn pink. "I - I just really wanted to, um..." He licked his lips. " - to kiss you." He looked at the clock. "I must get going. I'll see you tonight."

I nodded. "Yeah, I'll see you."

Newt smiled one last time before leaving. Weird. Even for him.


3rd POV

Newt sighed in relief as he walked away from Alina's home. He felt so bad for leaving her like that, but he couldn't risk her finding out about magic again. He felt terrible for putting a sleeping spell on her, but if she kept asking questions then the whole obliviation would have been for nothing. Newt knew those marks anywhere from the girl's body. He studied the creature many times. He wished that he could just come clean to Alina, but he couldn't.

Newt felt something tickle in his coat pocket and reached in to pull out Pickett. Pickett kept jumping up and down while pointing at Newt before he blew him a raspberry.

"I know you miss her, Pickett. But she can't see you," Newt said. Pickett started to squeal and make some hand gestures which caused Newt to sigh. "You know I can't do that. It's better if she doesn't know about the wizarding world." Pickett kept throwing a fit. "You know I love her." Another squeak. "I will, just not today."

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