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Oh, my god. Oh, my god. I can't believe what I just saw. Newt had this weird stick and - and that weird creature floating down in his suitcase. Come on, that thing wouldn't even fit in it. But it's not my secret to tell. So how am I going to explain this to Ryan.

He placed some teas on the table before sitting down on the couch. I kept pacing in front of him. I stopped, ran my hand through my hair before pacing again. What did I just see? That's - That's impossible.

"Alina, what's going on?" Ryan asked.

I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. "I don't know how to start this. I mean, how do I start something I can't even explain myself? Like everything I know is a lie and the one person I thought I could trust lied to me. To keep a secret this big away from me. I get why he didn't do it. He didn't want me to freak out. But I'm really freaking out right now. I have no idea what to do. I think I'm losing my freaking mind right now and -"

Ryan got up and grabbed my arms. "Alina, deep breaths." I took a few deep breaths. "Now, what's going on?"

I can't tell him the truth. It's Newt's secret. I placed my hands on my head before I sat down on the couch. "You know when you think things are impossible, but it turns out to be true. It changes your whole perspective of things."

Ryan slowly nodded as he sat next to me. "I think I do. Like something you thought couldn't happen does."


"And something tells me this has to do with Newt."


He gave me a confused look. "Did he...take candy from a kid or something?"

That got a small chuckle out of me. "No. Newt isn't that cruel." Or is he? He lied to me about...whatever he is. Maybe he lied about everything else, too.

"Did he force himself on you?"

My eyes widen at the anger in his voice. "No. No. Nothing like that."

"Then what is it?"

I shook my head. "I wish I could tell you, Ryan, but it's not my secret to tell. I just - I just don't want to see him at the moment."

As on cue, we heard a frantic knock on the door. Oh, no. How did he....that stick/wand of his. It's magic. Mary Lou and her crazy talk is all true. Newt has magic. Ryan got up to answer the door. Wait, I don't want to see him. I grabbed Ryan's arm and shook my head. He gave me a little nod. I thought he was going to sit down, but he went straight to the door. My eyes widen. I got up to stop him, but I heard the door creak. I hid behind the wall.

"She doesn't want to talk to you," Ryan started.

"If she would give me five minutes to explain -" Newt tried.

"What part of she doesn't want to talk to you, don't you get?"

"Look, she's in shock. I have to tell her -" I made a mistake by looking towards the door. Newt saw me. "Alina, I can explain!"

Newt was about to walk inside, but Ryan pushed him back. "She doesn't want to see you, right now." Newt kept staring at me with his mouth agape. "I think it's time for you to leave."

Newt slowly nodded before licking his lip. "All right. Just...Just tell her that I love her. And that I'm sorry, I was only trying to protect her."

Ryan nodded before he slammed the door in his face. I sighed heavily and slid down the wall. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. Ryan slid down next to me and reached for my hand. He interlocked our fingers together as I laid my head on his shoulder. So many questions swimming in my head and I could only think of one right now.

What was Newt protecting me from?


Ryan gave me more tea for a few hours before I decided to go home. I had enough for the day and I just needed some good night sleep. It was dead at night and I was thinking about everything that happened. My boyfriend has magic. So everything that Mary Lou said is true about witches and wickens running among the city. I would apologize to her if she still wasn't a cruel lady. I wish Credence was with me right now. He would know what to do if he were in my shoes. I should call him in the morning.

I heard something growl behind me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. My mouth flew open when I saw this huge puma right in front of me. It bared its teeth at me as it crept up. My eyes widen. The puma let out a roar before it charged at me. I spun around and started running. I ran and ran until I felt something hit my back. I fell down with a hard thud. I spun around and held my hands out as the puma tried to bite my neck. I kept moving my head to avoid getting teeth marked, but the animal kept getting closer. That's it. I'm done for. I started to cry as my arms started to loosen it's grip.

"Alina!" I heard Newt yell.

Then there was this flash of lighting. It struck the puma. It fell back with a little whimper before it got back up. It growled again before it ran at me. Newt took out his wand and mumbled something before this lighing ball hit the puma again. I quickly sat back up as the animal laid on the ground.

It didn't move. Is it dead? I kept panting as I looked at the body. My eyes only got wider when it started to move. I heard bones breaking and the animal slowly got up. I skoot backwards and it glared. The fur started to melt off the skin. The brownish fur became a quick honey color. The green eyes started to pop out of their eye sockets and became brown. I let out a little squeal as the jaw opened so wide that it almost reached the ground. The ears got tucked in and two different ones came out. The creature got bigger and bigger until it wasn't a puma anymore, but a bear.

The bear roared at us. I screamed as it charged at us again. Newt ran over and grabbed my arm. I felt this gust of wind before I found myself in front of my apartment. What? How did I get here? I started to hypervenillate.

"Alina. Alina," Newt tried to grab me.

I pushed him back. "Stay away from me."

I ran inside my house and closed the door. When I turned around, Newt stood there. "Alina, please -"

I didn't let him finish as I ran towards the kitchen. I tried to go to the door, but skid to a stop when Newt suddenly appeared in front of me. I went the other direction and ran towards the window. I got it to open, but Newt quickly slammed it shut. I didn't look at him, but I couldn't run anywhere else.

"Alina, please let me explain everything to you." I bit my lip as my chest kept rising and falling. "I won't hurt you, Alina. I will never hurt you."

"What are you?" I whispered. Newt sighed. I quickly spun around and looked him in the eye. "What are you?"

"I'm a wizard, Alina."

"A wizard? As in -"

Newt slowly nodded. "Magic and wizardry."

"And that thing that attacked me -"

"That's a Nagual. It's a shapeshifting creature. It's also the creature that's been killing all those people." I opened my mouth to speak, but he answered my unanswered question. "I knew the moment you screamed in the bakery. I just don't know who it is."

The room was silent for a while. I decided to speak. "How - How did you know where I was?"

Newt grabbed my hand. "The ring I gave you has a locator spell on it. I wanted to make sure you were safe in case anything were to happen."

"You were always there for me from the first time we met." I gave him a curious stare. "Why?"

This time Newt didn't meet my gaze. He bit his lip before he looked at the ground. "Because this isn't the first time we've met."


A/N: The truth will set them free. How do you think Alina will take it?

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