Chapter 5

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"Kenma, tell me, how come you ended up alone here? Why not live with your parents?" Kuroo asked as he held a beer in his hand.

He and Kenma had recently finished eating. Speaking of, Kuroo made one hell of a dish and Kenma gobbled it down as if it was his last meal. Even a small thought of doing something bad to Kenma had left Kuroo's head.

"Hmm, good question. I guess I was just fed up with everything. I'm a simple person, I want simple things. My father, however, wanted more from me. He wanted me to follow his footsteps, but... I just wanted to study what I wanted. So I did, I left home and somehow managed to rent a house here" Kenma said, his tone was just a tad sad, he really did miss home and his mother's cooking.

"Awh, I'm sorry. You know, reapers used to be people too, I had a family too" Kuroo let out a loud sigh before sipping on his beer and turning his head to Kenma slightly, as expected the other wasn't that surprised by the statement.

"What was your family like?" Kenma glanced at the taller male.

"Oh, they were great. We lived way before all these technologies. I used to play outside a lot, I was just so interested in the living world. We lived near the emperor, my family was quite royal I guess, the emperor had many exotic animals and I would always admire them. I had a little brother too, but he was more of an indoors type.." Kuroo smiled as he remembered the old times, good memories remain, bad memories haunt.

"Ohh, I see. Sounds fun, the only famous person I've met was this volleyball player from the national team, his name's Bokuto and he's like super good." Kenma nodded to himself, damn, this was turning into emotional guy hours and Kenma was not ready for it.

"I feel like I've heard that name somewhere. I think my friend mentioned him once or twice" Kuroo shrugged his shoulders, he should really meet up with Akaashi - poor guy got hit on the head by an old lady.

"How did you become a reaper though?" Kenma asked, he looked at his empty bottle of lemonade before standing up and trying to throw it into the trashcan, which he missed of course.

"My story is weirdly similar to that of Jack Frost's. I was playing on a frozen pond when the ice broke and I fell into the cold water, I didn't know how to swim so.. before I knew it, I woke up in this weird place where they told me that I will be trained to be a reaper" Kuroo said and yawned, it was time to head home. Reapers really ever got tired, so inside Kuroo was a little bit disappointed, he wanted to spend more time with Kenma.

"Tired?" Kenma smiled at the taller male.

"Yeah, a little bit. Haven't slept in a few months. I'll head home, you should rest too" Kurop stood up and fixed his hoodie before glancing at Kenma again. The other was yawning and looked like the most adorable person ever.

"Okay, I should sleep before I decide to do the dishes, that would end up with me binge watching the entire season of How I Met Your Mother.." Kenma's eyes were barely open anymore. Kuroo patted Kenma's heads before just disappearing into thin air.

"You're back, how did it go?" Akaashi suddenly asked and startled Kuroo.

"It went...well" he sighed, he knew he was failing his mission, but he just... As time went by he started understanding that his tricks won't work on Kenma and that he himself doesn't really want to hurt him.

"What did you this time? Broken glass? Lamp falling on his head?" A completely clueless Akaashi asked, he watched how Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows.

"I actually.. I actually didn't do anything, I just spent an evening with him" Kuroo confessed.

"What? Why?" Akaashi asked absolutely confused.

"I just didn't feel like doing anything.. anyway, have you heard of Bokuto Koutarou?" Kuroo turned to his friend
Akaashi thought for a second before nodding.

"Yeah, he's assigned as my next victim, I'm doing research on him now. Man.. you look tired" Akaashi couldn't help but point it out. Kuroo had a weird expression on his face and was barely standing on his feet anymore.

"Yeah, I'll rest.." he hesitated... When a reaper sleeps, they sleep for weeks and something inside told him that something bad will happen to Kenma during that time.

"You really should. When was the last time you slept? Like eight months ago?" Akaashi laughed a bit before giving the other a small smile.

"See you later, Akaashi. Tell me how killing Bokuto went when I wake up" Kuroo waved before disappearing into his place and falling into a deep slumber.




OK SO THIS IS WHERE IT ENDED LAST TIME BEFORE I UNPUBLISHED IT.  So I want to warn you guys that this is a breaking point for this fic as the second part of it was written when I wasn't at my best and was feeling down.

I wrote a "Dracula and his extravagant adventures" short 16 page script for English and teacher took it today. I forgot I put a sex offender and a homophobic joke there FUCK


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