Chapter 9

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After the last walker is down, Daryl and Merle go to stab the ones still moving. I automatically run over to a sobbing Finnick. Jenna isn't moving. She'll come back soon.

"Finnick, you can't stay near her..." I say softly.

"SHE'S MY SISTER! I CAN DO IT MYSELF!" he yells, referring to "putting her down." His voice doesn't sound like him. I'll back off. He should get the freedom to.. put her down at his leisure.

Ellie simply stares in shock at the scene. She covers her face with her hands and runs off into the woods. I wonder if this is how I reacted to Katniss dying. I sling Katniss's bow and sheath of arrows over my shoulder before before running after Ellie. "Ellie! You can't just run off like this! It's not safe!" I yell after her.

"Oh yeah?! Well it's not safe to run right in front of a fucking walker either!" she yells back, and starts crying.

I catch up and hug her tightly. "Shh. You'll be fine. It's not the end of the world," I say softly. I then regret my choice of words.

She pushes me away. "Yeah, it is, dumbass!" she growls.

"That's not what I meant."

"Of course it isn't! It never is!" she yells. "You didn't "mean" to completely fucking ignore me after Katniss died either, did you?!"

"Ellie, I--" I can't think of what to say.

"No, you know what? Save your apologies," she says, scarily quiet. "It's gonna happen again. You'll be around Finnick constantly. You won't have time for me anymore. Just like before the world went to shit." She picks up her bag and starts walking away.

"Ellie, where are you going?" I ask.

"Somewhere where I'm appreciated," she replies so quietly that I almost can't hear her.

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