Chapter 10

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I run after my sister and grab her arm tightly. She struggles, but isn't strong enough to get away. "Where are you going? Ellie, there is no one left. Everyone's either dead or bandits, except for us," I tell her firmly. (There's only us, there's only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss... Sorry, couldn't help myself. When there's a chance for a fandom reference, I take it :3) 

"I'm gonna prove you wrong," Ellie growls.

"No, you won't, because you're not going anywhere," I reply.

"Why?!" she shouts angrily.

"Keep your voice down," I remind her, "and one, it's way too dangerous. The infected are everywhere. Two, you forgot your backpack, and you won't get far without it, and three, you'll find bandits or hunters before you find any decent people." Ellie sighs in frustration, knowing I'm right. I release the death grip I have on her arm. "C'mon, let's head back," I say. She nods and reluctantly follows me back to camp.

When we get back, I see Shane, Merle, and Daryl arguing over something. It looks like it's getting pretty heated, and I decide to intervene before anyone gets hurt, considering everyone else is standing far away, being pansies. I walk into the middle of the fight. "Okay, everybody calm--" I start to say, but get interrupted. The last thing I see is Merle's fist flying towards my head. I hear a sickening thud and everything goes black.

I wake up when the blazing sun is out again. Just what I need, more sunburn. "Mornin' sleeping beauty," Finnick says in a seductive tone somewhere near me.

"Shut up," I grumble as I sit up. There's a throbbing pain in my skull behind my left eye, but it's very faint. Finnick messes up my hair and I punch him lightly before fixing it and standing.

"God, you punch like a girl," he laughs.

"There would be a reason for that," I say and elbow him in the ribs. I look around and notice we're in the RV. "What happened?" I ask, holding the left side of my face.

"Merle knocked you out. It was an accident, he meant to punch Shane," Finnick explains, "you should be more careful about what arguments you walk into." He slides his hand under mine so his is the one cradling my head and my hand is above his. I meet his ocean green gaze, and, for just a moment, walkers aren't real. For one perfect moment, I don't have a bullet wound in my arm, my head doesn't feel like it was hit with a sledgehammer, and it's just us. The boy with the heart purer than gold, and the girl who'd lost almost everything. Everything except for him.

The next thing I know, Ellie is in the RV doorway. "Well, are you gonna kiss or not?" she asks impatiently. We both pull away quickly, and I laugh awkwardly.

"What? Him? Naaah..." I stutter. This causes Finnick to laugh.

"Oh c'mon, you know you want it," he strikes a suggestive pose against the RV wall. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"If you're done, you two are wanted outside," Ellie says. "We're discussing an emergency trip into Atlanta for supplies."


Sooo.. Kirnick, eh? :3

Anyway, this chapter is way overdue and I apologize for the inconvenience to anyone who cares and reads this story :3

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