Hair cut

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Btw this is Kyrin, not saying Jennie is a bitch because I actually love Jennie but when ever I picture Kyrin I see Jennie
Also this chapter may be a little triggering
Also how would you guys feel if I created a book on one shots of these characters and also the new characters that will later be added please tell me your thoughts I'm thinking of uploading on December 1st and upload one a day. Please share your thoughts.
chim chim's POV
Italics are English
Normal is Korean

We started getting ready to go play footy with some of the sports scholars, apparently one of them was auzzie like me, this could be interesting...


"Sorry sorry, I lost my phone, but I found it"

"SO THEN WHY AREN'T YOU STILL HERE?" It was then that Jimin appeared from his room in his sports clothes and began traveling towards us.

"I was getting ready, if you haven't noticed I dorm with a girl, meaning we can't get dressed at the same time, please take that into consideration next time"

It was pretty silent the rest of the way till we made it to the football grounds and were met by 5 guys.

"Hey guys, long time no see ay?" Yep he was the Australian, even though he was talking in Korean I knew from his accent he was Aussie.

"Yeah, it has been pretty long hasn't it" replied Namjoon.

"Who's this?" Asked another coming up from behind the group and pointing towards me.

"This is Jimin, Min jimin, she's new" explained jhope as he walked beside me.

"Well, let's play then, you's against us, since you have a girl on your team" okay this guys starting to piss me off, he doesn't know that I was state champion in football.

"Okay fine, first to ten goals win.

(A/n Okay I can't really write a football scene so just pretend that score is now 3:6 bts's way)

"Okay I call break" the guy yelled. I ran back down from the goals till I reached the guys.

"Hey, you never told me your name" I asked curiously

"Dean reeding, you should know that though, didn't you see my texts this morning" ah fuck, thanks universe had to make my day even better didn't you.

"Fuck off"

"Your english!?"

"No fucking shit Sherlock, I'm Australian"

"But your Asian"

"And your a dick, wow we leaned something new today, fucking tool"  yup old Jimin was back. It went silent after that I went back to playing footy against the guys, making sure to keep away from dean, he just irritated me. I thought I had finally got rid of him when I felt a sharp pain in my chest.
"You right there mate?" I said as I picked up the footy from the ground.

"So what bathroom are you allowed in? Like you look like a guy but down there suggests otherwise"

"Back the fuck up what are you saying?"

"I'm saying you're basically a fucking guy but that," he pointed down at me "suggest otherwise" I went silent, know one says that to me, ever. "So are you trans or something like that, like I mean if you cut your hair you're a fucking guy, if that's what your going for?"

"Just shut up, shut up, shut up" and that was it I ran, I ran as fast as I could back to the dorms into my room and stared at my phone.

I know I shouldn't look but I needed to see what they were saying, but as soon as I did I instantly regretted it.
Deano_R: tagged you in a photo
                Guy or girl haha guess
Kykyrinyxoxo: @Deano_R it's called transgender, it so funny right he actually looks like a girl haha
Bae_life: guy
Alexprivxxx: guy
Bellahbell: guy
Jacob0094: guy
Jewelyah: defs a guy
Igiveup_withnames: guy
Insertname: guy
Help: guy
For_ransom:guy is it even a question
Sarah.L:... I don't know what you call that
Pizza_bae:if that's a guy he needs a hair cut stat
Chocolate_bae:I would never date him get rid of the hair

I threw the phone. Why was it so hard for people to see I was a girl? Just as I was about to walk out of the room I heard my phone ring, I carefully picked up my phone from the floor.
No caller ID?


"See everyone agrees with me, you're ugly and fat... Do us all a favour, hurry up and kill yourself" with that the phone call ended, tears streamed down my face and the next thing I knew I was in the bathroom holding up scissors. I held my hair in my other hand, placed the scissors to the hair and cut it. Cut after cut after cut till my hair was gone. I looked in the mirror again and all I saw was ugly and fat. Just as I was about to vomit I heard someone calling my name. I immediately freaked out and ran for the wardrobe, it was a massive walk in robe with just enough room to fit two of me in there, so I hid in the cupboard and silently let out my cries. It had only been five minutes before I heard the door open, I tucked myself into a ball and kept quiet.

"Chim chim, I know you're there... I can see your toes" j-hope whispered

"No.. Yo-you c-can't" crap, I hid my toes and held my faces close to my chest, but I was too late he had climbed in with me.

"Chimmie-ah, what's wrong?"

"Stop trying to talk to me, I know you think the same way, everyone does so why are you so different huh?" I showed him my phone. It was silent for a moment until I felt a warm arm wrap around me.

"I am different, because unlike them, I think you're beautiful, you're not fat, you're gorgeous, you're not ugly, you're stunning, you're not pathetic, you're amazing, trust me the list goes on, but unlike them I think you're perfect in every way"

"I'm sick of the bullshit stop lying to me just-" I was stopped by a pair of thin lips touching mine, I kissed back only to realise how nice his lips felt against mine it had been God knows how long until we pulled back for air.

"If I'm like everyone else why did that feel special?" I really didn't think I could blush any harder. "I'm sorry, I just really, really, really like you, we can forget about the kiss if you want too" yep apparently I can blush even harder. I quickly kissed his cheek then ducked my head to save myself from further embarrassment.

"How about we don't forget about the kiss, cause- ah I li- no, I really, really, really like you too" he held my hand tightly and brushed his hand through my hair.

"I agree to that, jagiya" we sat there for a couple of moments just breathing in the air surrounded us, only interrupted a couple of times by my sniffling, until he noticed my hair.

"Hair cut? When?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now"

"Okay... Sooo um do you wanna I don't maybe umm go on a date with me maybe"

"Of course, why wouldn't I pabo"
"Saturday? We can go to the mall down beside the beach, there's a really nice restaurant there, if you want too" he starting blushing and started stutter as he spoke, was he really that nervous?

"Sure, we can go for a little bit of shopping then go to the restaurant"

"Sounds great to me, but uhh we should get out of the wardrobe otherwise the guys might think we're doing something other than talking if you know what I mean"
Flustered, I stepped out of the wardrobe with him and followed him as he led me to the lounge room. We walked over to the couch where Jimin was laying on Yoongi and sat on the opposite side.

"You okay chimmie?" Asked Yoongi with the sleeping Jimin on him.

"Yeah, a lot better now"

"New hair cut?" Namjoon asked from his seat on the kitchen.

"Let's not talk about it right now... Um so where's Tae and Kookie?

"When we saw you run we left to go find you, I guess tae and kookie stayed back to look for you there" explained Yoongi as he subconsciously ruffled the sleeping younger's hair, cute💕.

"Should we call them?" But just as I finished I heard a loud slam coming from a couple rooms down.

"IM SICK OF THIS SHIT" I heard the mystery guy yell from his room. I stood up from my comfy spot in j-hope's arms as soon as I realised who's voice it was.

I'm sorry but I literally just update when I feel like it.
Till next time annyeong ❤️ 💙 💜

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