Overheard nightmare

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I made that pic ^^ I'm pretty proud I have others too but I love this one (it's Jimin who doesn't love it)
Back to the story...
Yoongi's POV
Once I was finally happy with the chords of my latest song, I decided to get up and go for a drink, it had been a couple hours since I had gotten out of my seat.
12:30am. Wow I had been here all night, I shut down the monitor and headed out to the kitchen.

I stopped, I heard crying coming from the kitchen, as I looked into the room from the hallway I saw chim chim in a fetus position on the couch and Jin on the other side of the said couch. Once I wriggled around to see her better, I was just close enough to make out what she was saying.

"My... My dad left my family last year, he was there one day having ice cream with me and my younger twins down at the beach and then the next day he disappeared"
I heard a silent sob escape as she begin to talk again
"when I asked my mum where he went, she yelled at me saying how much he hated me, he never wanted me, he never loved me, I was frustrated and angry, I yelled back saying how much I hated her. I ran out of the house and camped out at the park for three days until the police found me. I had to go back to my mum as if nothing happened. I just wish he was here... I still have no idea why he was in jail. She won't tell me. I.. I.. Thank you Jin oppa, I needed that." I heard footsteps and immediately sprinted to my room. Hoping she didn't see or hear me.

"Namjoon wake up" I whispered violently as I shook his blanket. "WAKE UP" I repeated, throwing the blanket off of him.

"What?" He groaned half asleep. "I was sleeping, you know?"

"It doesn't matter" I finally sat down on my bed across from Namjoon. "I overheard chim chim talking to Jin" he immediately shot up as soon as I mentioned Jin.

"What were they saying?"

"Chimmie was crying, talking about her dad, she ran away or something, then something about jail and then... I don't know..." I took a slow breath. "But there is something more than just this anorexia, more than we know" I slowly tucked under the covers leaving Namjoon there on his bed, thinking to himself.

"Just get some sleep and we can figure this out tomorrow"
"Yeah, night" I replied and with that I was fast asleep.
Guys heads up shits about to go down in the next chapter.

Also get hype, get lit, get fab, 6 days till Ma birthday!

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