Chapter 6

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Jürgen pulls up in a car park and then gets out of his car. I go to open my door but don't realise that Jürgen had gone to open my door for me,so I ended up hitting him in the face with the door. "Shit! I'm so sorry Jürgen, I didn't mean to. Are you okay?" I say, completely shocked that I'd just hit him in the face.

"It's fine, it didn't hurt at all. I might have a bruise tomorrow. But it's all good." He smiles. "I'm really sorry. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" I ask.

"Hmm, there is one thing." Jürgen smiles, cheekily. "What might that be?" I raise an eyebrow at him. Jürgen leans down and kisses me. "Cheeky bastard." I said after we'd stopped kissing.

"Meanie." He pouts. "Hehe." I giggle.

Time Skip

"Thank you Jürgen, I had a brilliant time this evening." I said, when Jurgen had dropped me off at home. "Not a problem Lola, I had an amazing evening too." Jürgen replies and then drives away after we say our goodbyes.

"So, how'd it go?" Roberto asks the second I walk in the front door. I throw my coat on the floor. "Can you not give me five minutes?" I ask.

"No." He answers."I want to know all about it."

"Roberto, give her a few minutes." Philippe says. "Thanks Phil." I pick my coat up and take it upstairs, I put it in my wardrobe with my shoes and then walk back downstairs.

"So?" My brother asks. "Well, it was amazing. First I accidentally hit Jurgen in the face with the car door. Which wasn't amazing." I start to explain. "Wow, sounds like you had a lot of fun then." The boys say after I'd finished telling them about it. "Yeah, it was awesome."

It got really silent and awkward, the three of us sat in silence for ages. "Hmm." Philippe yawns. "Are you okay Phil?" I sit up. He nods, I look around at my brother, who was fast asleep. "I'm going to push Berto off of the sofa and see if he wakes up."

I crawl over the sofa to Roberto and gently shove him off, but hard enough that he falls off. "Lola! You woke me up." He whines, I start laughing my head off. Five minutes later, I'm rolling on the laughing.

"You're the worst, you know that." Berto jumps up off the floor and chases me. "I'm honoured." I laugh, running upstairs. "That wasn't exactly a compliment."

"I don't care. I know I'm the worst and I'm honoured that you named me the worst." I leap into my en-suite bathroom and lock the door. "Don't lock the bloody door on me." Roberto yells. My bathroom window is right next to a tree, so I quietly open my window and slip out. I slide the window shut and climb down the tree, once I got down to the bottom of the tree, I run.

I manage to run the whole way to the city before realising that I had left my phone and purse at home so I'll have to try and find my way home without any directions. I'm so stupid. I sit down on a bench on the docks and stare out to look at the water. "Um, excuse me, are you Roberto Firmino's sister?" I look down at a little boy.

"John, leave the poor girl alone." His mother says. "Yep, I'm Roberto's sister, I'm Lola. What's your name?" I reply, ignoring his mother. "Awesome! I'm John, it's nice to meet you!" He says. "John, stop bothering her. I'm sorry Miss Firmino."

"He's not a bother, don't worry. It's nice to meet you too John. Hey, could I get your address? Your really nice and I'm going to send you V.I.P tickets for the next match and you can meet the players after, is your favourite player my brother?" I ask the kid. He nods in response.

"Well then, I'll make sure you'll get to meet him, I'll make him sign a top for you and take a picture with you." I smile. "Have you got a piece of paper and a pen? I ran here and accidentally left my phone behind."

John looks at his mum, she pulls a piece of paper and a pen out of her handbag and writes down John's name and address before she hands it to me. "Thanks! I'll get them sent to you tomorrow!" I grin

"Thank you Miss Firmino. Since your brother moved to the club, it's been a dream of John's to meet him. How can I thank you?" She asks. "No need to thank me, I enjoy making my brothers fans happy."

"Thank you!" John hugs me. "No problem." I hug him back. After I got home, I had I the doorbell and Phil let me in. "Where did you go?" He asks. "The City."
"But you left your purse and phone behind."

"I ran both ways, where's my brother?" I ask Phil, he points to the kitchen. I thank him and run into the kitchen. I tell Roberto all about John."Aw Lola, of course I'll do that for him. Tell you what, why don't you deliver them to him tomorrow?" He asks. "I was going to do that. I'll walk as it's only five minutes away from here."

"Lola, you are a very sweet person, you know that?" My brother hugs me. "But, but, I thought I was the worst?" I fake cry. "You are the worst sometimes but most the time, you are very very sweet." My brother smiles. "I agree with your brother here, you are a very sweet, and caring person."

"Can we have dinner now? I'm starving after running so much." I say. "Yep, okay. Lola, you can go and relax, we'll make dinner, because you always make it and yeah." They shove me away from the kitchen and slam the door. "Be careful." I yell before going upstairs and going on Netflix.

I decide to start re watching Titanic for the fourteenth time. I got about an hour into the film when Phil calls me down for dinner. I was really scared, I've never seen my brother cook before and Phil says he rarely ever cooks. "Don't be nervous, we did really well."

They had made fajitas, with a meaty filling and a vegetarian filling for me. "This looks good. Well done boys." I praise them. They grin proudly. "Now, I gotta taste it." I laugh.

They had put vegetarian chicken in the veggie filling. I take a bite, the veggies were fine, I spit the fake chicken out.The boys look at me, and then look at each upset. "The vegetables are well cooked, but did it cross your mind to cook the vegetarian chicken at all?" I ask.

"Shit! We didn't realise we had to cook it." Berto slaps his face. "I'll just eat the veggies.You two are silly, honestly. Don't you read packages, or was it another, 'It's not real meat, if it's not cooked it won't make her ill?'"

The boys go red in embarrassment.

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