Chapter 1

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A/N: This starts off when Roberto Firmino first came to Liverpool and then ends in the 18/19 season. Jurgen didn't come to Liverpool until October the eighth 2015, which is a few months after Roberto came so yeah, I'll try make this work...

*July 2015*

"Roberto, do we really need to move again?" I whine as my older brother puts the last box into the moving van. "You know I'm transferring to Liverpool and you chose to come with me again, so yes Elle. We need to move. I can't play for Liverpool but live in Hoffenheim." I sigh. "I know you like it here but you chose to come with me." Roberto reminds me. "Don't you want to move with me?" He pouts. "I do Berto, but this has been my home for the past however long. But I'm happy that you are going to a brilliant team." I hug him.

We both climb into the van and he starts up the van. We drive for a while before pulling up at the port where we'd be catching our ferry across to the U.K

*Time Skip*

"Pst, Elle. We're in the U.K now." Roberto nudges me. "Ow, okay. Was it really necessary to elbow me really hard in the breast?" I ask my brother, slightly annoyed. He nods. "Sometimes I wish you weren't my brother." I sigh. "Like right now?" Roberto smirks. "Ugh, piss off Berto." He laughs at my nickname for him. "Also, it's hard to piss off right now. I'm driving the both of us and you cannot drive, so unless you want to walk or sit on the roof?" He says, grinning.

"God damn you Firmino."

"You're a Firmino too."

"Shut up Roberto."

*TIME SKIP (yes again)*

"Well, this is the house. Like it?" Roberto asks. I stare at it in awe. This is so much bigger and amazing than the house we had in Hoffenheim. "Wow." Is all I can say. "I knew you'd like it. Come on, let's get some of our stuff sorted out and work out who's having what rooms." He picks up a box from the van. We'd had some stuff bought across here over the past however long so we didn't have to bring everything across on the ferry earlier.

I follow my brother inside and up the stairs. "You could've at least bought a box with you." He jokes. "Sorry, I am just way too excited." I say. "I know, now, how about this room for you?" Roberto kicks open a door. The walls were a light pastel purple colour, with matching carpet. There was an en suite bathroom and a king-size bed that had been delivered a while ago when Roberto had decided to come over to the U.K to do house picking."Well?" He raises an eyebrow. "I love it!" I say. "Good, that can be your room. Now go and bring some boxes in. Do you remember Philippe Coutinho?" He drops a box in the room next to my new one. I nod."He said he'd bring a few of his team mates over to help us sort out." We walk back downstairs to grab more stuff.

"Okay, when?" I ask. "Anytime no-" He gets cut off by a man yelling "ROBERTO!" We both spin around, I nearly dropped my box from shock."Hey Philippe!" My brother puts his box down and walks over to Philippe. "Oh and these are your new team mates, Joe Allen, Danny Ings, Jordan Henderson and James Milner." Phil points at a few lads."Hi, it's nice to meet you, this little twat kept telling me lots over the phone." Berto points to Philippe. "Hey! I'm not a little twat!" Phil whines, making us all laugh.

"Oh my god! Elle! You moved across with him too!?" Philippe squeals like a teenage girl. "Yes Phil, I did. Now please stop squealing." I say and he hugs me. "Uh, Phil? Do you want to help the Firmino's with their boxes or squeeze the life out of Firmino number two?" Jordan asks."But I've missed Roberto's sister, Elle so much." He whines, picking up a box. I roll my eyes. "So, did you see any hot boy you'd wanna marry in Germany?" Phil asks me. "Philippe Coutinho! You did not just ask my sister that!" Roberto gasps, making Joe Allen laugh. Once Roberto had disappeared into his room with the other lads, I look at Phil. "You know Jurgen Klopp?" I ask. He nods. "I've seen him a few times, not like that but while Berto was at Hoffenheim. He's pretty fit to be perfectly honest. Just don't tell my brother because Jurgen's like forty-eight and I'm like twenty nearly twenty-one." I laugh.

My Brother's Manager ~ Jürgen KloppWhere stories live. Discover now