Chapter 2

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"I bloody love this show!" I squeal. "Haha, I like it too." Roberto laughs. "Got a secret can you keep it? Well this one you'll save. Better lock it in your pocket, taking this one to the grave. If I show you than I know you won't tell what I say, cos two can keep a secret if one of them is dead." We sing, Berto bursts out laughing at our terrible singing, I laugh as well.

My phone beeps and it's another email from Jurgen.

Hi Lola,

Glad you're enjoying Liverpool. You'll have to show me around when I move over.

I asked Mario to get your email for me because I really wanted to talk to you and get to know you a bit, not in a creepy way though.

From, Jurgen.

I smile at my phone, I love Jurgen. He's funny and pretty good looking. "Who are you texting Lola? A boy?" "No, I'm reading a fanfiction about the German National team, it's like a group chat and it's very funny." I lie, I mean,I have read this fanfiction but not right now. "Okay then." Roberto says suspiciously.

I open up a new email and address it to Jurgen,

Hi Jurgen!

I'll happily show you around Liverpool when you move.Creepy? Nahh, I was just surprised.

From, Lola.

"This fan fic hella funny!" I fake laugh. "Nice to know that my twenty-one year old sister still enjoys reading fan fiction." My brother says sarcastically. "It's amazing though! This one is so funny as well!" I whine.

"Do you think I care if it's funny or not?" He questions.

The next day after training Roberto and Philippe both run into the room. "Lola, Lola! Guess what?" They scream. "I don't know, maybe you got a better job?" I tease.

"No! Jurgen Klopp is taking over as Liverpool manager as of tomorrow!" Phil squeals. "That's so cool! You guys are very lucky to have him as your new manager, he's very good at his job." I grin.

"I know! We're so excited!" Roberto says. "I bet you are! Do you think I could meet him? He's a very inspirational guy!" I exclaim. "I don't see why not! Why don't you offer him a tour of the city when we meet him?" Philippe asks.

I look at my older brother. "Lola, that'd be a nice thing to do." Berto says. "Good! Roberto, why don't I give you a tour while Lola shows Jurgen around." He suggests.

Crap! "Phil, can I have a quick word with you in private?" I glare at him. He follows me through to the garden. "Phil! Are you doing this on purpose? I can't show Jurgen around incase he finds out!" I yell at him. "So?"

"I don't want anything bad to happen." I glare. "Alright,well sorry.What you going to do about Jurgen now?" Phil asks. "I'll show him around but just don't say anything. Oh, and if my brother asks what this was about, just say that I wanted to ask you about your next game or something." I whisper before we both head back to the living room where Roberto is.

"What was that all about?" Roberto raises an eyebrow. I sit down on the sofa and turn my phone on. "She was just asking about the game." Phil sits down next to my brother.

I open emails and see an email.

Hi Lola!

I'm moving to Liverpool tomorrow and will have to do a lot of managerial things, but maybe the next day you could show me around?

I'm excited to move across.


I grin and pull up my phones keyboard.


I'm very excited for tomorrow and I will definitely show you around the day after that.

I kinda have no choice, my brother and Coutinho asked me to do that while Coutinho shows Roberto around.


"Lola, who are you messaging?" Roberto sits up. "Eugen Polanski, he was asking how we were settling in okay." I lie. "Who's Eugen? An ex?" Philippe asks, confused. My brother and I start laughing. "What?"

"Eugen is a player at Hoffenheim, Phil. Lola's never dated anyone, not that I know of anyway." Berto has tears of laughter streaming down his face, as do I.

"Oh." Phil's cheek slowly turn dark shades of embarrassment. I stand up and walk over to Coutinho. "Aw.Don't be embarrassed Phil." I laugh.

"I can't even. Haha oh haha." Roberto sighs, he is on the floor holding his stomach. "Have you laughed to much Berto?" I ask. He nods and then pretends to go to sleep on the floor but accidentally falls asleep.

"Shh." I put my finger on my lips and creep over to my sleeping brother and jump on him. Surprisingly he sleeps through it. "What the hell?"

"How the hell is Roberto still asleep? I jumped on him pretty hard."I don't know, I have an idea, lets both jump on him at the same time." Phil suggest, standing up. "Okay, I'll do the count down with my fingers."

I slowly count down from five using my fingers, after I'd put the last finger down, we both jumped on Roberto. "Ugh, why'd you jump on me?" He groans. "It's not sleepy time yet brother." I smirk. "I wasn't asleep?"

Phil nods violently. "Okay, whatever, please get off of me." Roberto looks at the clock. "Six thirty. Hmm Lola could you-" Roberto gets cut off by the doorbell. I go to open and see the pizza guy with the three pizzas I had ordered. "Thanks." I pay him and go back to the two hungry boys carrying the pizza and three bottles of Pepsi.

"You ordered pizza?" I hand Berto his Hawaiian pizza and Phil his pepperoni pizza. "Yeah, I'm to tired to cook." I open my cheese and mushroom pizza and pull out a piece. I stuff the whole piece in my mouth all at once, letting the cheesey grease drip down my chin. "Mm."

"Lola, that's disgusting, wipe your mouth." Berto throws a cloth at me. "Thanks." I grin. I wipe the grease off before stuffing another piece in my mouth. After five minutes I had devoured the whole pizza. I took a long drink of my Pepsi before I let out a long burp.

"Lola! How rude! Are you not going to remember manners." Roberto says. "Urgh fine, excuse me your royal highness, I didn't mean to pass gas and be so rude. I deeply apologise."

"Don't be cheeky." He warns. "That was amusing well done Lola!" Phil highfives me.

My Brother's Manager ~ Jürgen KloppWhere stories live. Discover now