Chapter 10

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Time Skip: 2017: 16/17

The start of a new season! Berto had been at Liverpool about a year now, Jurgen and I were still going strong. "Where are you going?" My brother asks as I grab my bag and slide my shoes on. "Jurgen's picking me up." I answer, walking out of the door.

"Afternoon Miss Firmino." My boyfriend says as I get into his car. "Afternoon Mister Klopp." I smile at my boyfriend. "You ready to go?" I nod. He drives off towards a park.


"Lola, can I ask you something?" Jurgen asks quietly. "Of course."

He gets down onto one knee and looks up at me. "Lola,we've been ging out for around a year now and I was wondering if maybe, you'd want to marry me?"

"Yes, I would like to marry you." I answer, he slides a ring onto my finger and stands up to kiss me. "What do you think your brother's reaction will be?"

"Something amusing, I'm going to see how long it takes him to notice the ring before I say anything." I laugh, kissing my fiance again. "He isn't very observant."
"I bet he'll realise in like I don't know-"

"The day before the wedding?" "Maybe."

We both sit down on the grass and look out across the water,, Jurgen wraps his arm around me and I lean into his side. "I love you Lola."
"I love you too Jurgen." We both lean in and kiss.

*Time Skippy*

"Thank you Jurgen." I peck his cheek as he drops me off. "Not a problem Lola. See you tomorrow at the match." He drives away and I unlock the front door and drop onto the sofa. "How was it?" My brother asks from behind me. "It was amazing!" I exclaim, smiling at my brother.

"Can you get me some water please?" I ask him. "Sure, one second." Roberto exits the living room and re-enters a moment later with a glass in his hand. "Here you go." He hands me the cup. "Thank." I take it with my left hand.

"What's that on your finger?" Berto points at my ring finger. "What do you think it is?" I grin. "Wait, are you and Jurgen engaged?" He gasps. "You guessed it Berto."

"Oh my god! Congratulations! my baby sister is finally growing up!" He wipes a tear from under his eye and hugs me. "Are you coming to the game tomorrow?"

"Yes, of course I am." I laugh at my brother crying.

My Brother's Manager ~ Jürgen KloppWhere stories live. Discover now